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Showing posts with the label emulate

How comparing ourselves to others is harmful

Many people I talk to (including some of my readers) have a tendency to compare their lives to those of the people around them. I encourage them against slipping into such a mental trap, which may potentially lead to resentment and, if such feelings spiral out of control, depression down the road. I advise them to stop for a moment and consider that the people they're comparing themselves to: Have a completely different path in life Have disparate goals, dreams, and personalities May be facing battles they know nothing about  May not be happy, even if they may appear so on the surface There's a difference between looking up to someone and wishing to emulate them (e.g. wanting to be accomplished like they arr because they've risen to the top of their profession), and lamenting the fact that your life isn't exactly like theirs. Let's assume you're in a troublesome relationship. After a bitter argument with your wife, you walk out to the yard and...

Why comparing ourselves to others is a bad idea

We all know at least one person in our lives who strives to keep up with the Joneses. They look to others for inspiration on how to dress, what car to buy, how many children to have, what career to go into, and even which hobbies to cultivate. And that person might very well be ourselves. While turning to others for ideas isn't a bad thing, shadowing everything they do because you crave validation and want to feel as though you're part of the in-group is taking it a step too far. Essentially, you're obliterating all that makes you stand out! Who cares if your neighbor drives a Bentley? If you're satisfied with your Nissan Maxima, that's what matters. Maybe you're the only person at work who doesn't have a dog. So what? There's nothing wrong with being a cat lover. Or perhaps you're the only one among your peer group who isn't in a high-powered career. As long as you're happy in your profession, why should you bother switching fiel...

Never stoop to others' level

Never stoop to the level of people who are mean and unkind. Instead, be the better person. Exhibit the kind of behavior they ought to emulate. Be a role model. Never give these people the satisfaction of behaving just like them. Don't lash out and seek out revenge, which is precisely the reaction they're trying to elicit in you. Remember, misery loves company, so they'll strike at nothing to have their bad mood/attitude rub off on you. Keep smiling. Keep enjoying your life. Show them that their rotten ways will never rain on your parade. Hopefully, they'll soon come to their senses and realize how childish they're being. And do not blame yourself for others' behavior. It's their problem, not yours. Chances are, they are battling deep-seated feelings of insecurity and trying to take it out on others. When someone's self-esteem is in the gutter, it can drive them to do and say things they later come to regret. Try to remain calm and stron...