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Showing posts with the label men care about looks

Men care about looks, women care about this...

While men become preoccupied with women's looks, many women make men's resources one of the top items on their wish list -- despite the fact that many of them may deny this. It's no secret that most men make considerably more money than their female counterparts in the workplace. What's more, women were hit especially hard by the recession, with some still struggling to land positions that pay as well as the jobs they lost during the downturn. Two of my closest friends are in relationships with women who aren't nearly as well off as them. But I see this quite frequently with women at work -- it's their husbands who seem to be retiring first, and, yes -- the men are older. There may be instances where the woman in the relationship just doesn't want to work hard and figures she can just lean on her guy, the more ambitious of the two, for financial support. Nevertheless, a woman who says she doesn't care at all about a man's resources is likely ...