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Showing posts with the label interviews

One thing we can all admire about politicians

For all their lies and unscrupulous behavior, politicians have one thing going for them: They can give kick-ass speeches and are quick on their feet during interviews and debates. Some of the questions asked of the candidates are pretty tough, and with good reason. We want to elect the person who's best suited to be commander-in-chief. And when asked to address criticisms leveled at them, they sure as hell better have a good, quick answer. In order to do this, they have to demonstrate a firm understanding of the Constitution, not to mention deep knowledge of laws, policies, and their opponents' positions. Their experience in law and public office have no doubt prepared them for the national spotlight. They're also expected to project confidence before a live audience and with millions more tuning in via television, radio, and the internet. Needless to say, the whole world is scrutinizing your every word. As much as we may disagree with what these people have to sa...

Want to project confidence and power? Do this...

Studies show that feeling more confident is as easy as changing your posture. Stop what you're doing for just a second and do the following: Stand with your legs and feet shoulder-width apart while placing your hands on your waist. Feel more empowered? Studies suggest that this position of power conveys dominance and determination. In fact, people assuming the pose prior to a date or job interview have reported feeling more confident throughout. While the pose can't be singled out as the sole reason for a good date or interview, people say it definitely helps. I wouldn't overdo it, though. Standing this way for extended periods of time might communicate that you're pompous and aim to call all the shots. As with all else in life, moderation is key! So the next time you're nervous about an upcoming speech, interview, or date, try this out and see if it works for you. Have you ever assumed this pose at work or anywhere else? Has it made you feel more conf...