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Showing posts with the label abusive

When trust dies in a relationship

Have you ever been in a relationship devoid of trust? Did it ultimately break down because you simply couldn't confide in your partner? When trust evaporates in a relationship, it becomes very difficult -- if not impossible -- to restore. Trust is as integral to a relationship as honesty, love, communication, kindness, and loyalty.  Trusting the other person is our decision, but it is their choice to value our trust and demonstrate that they're deserving of it. If you have to play detective in your relationship, then the trust just isn't there. If you have to second-guess their every move because they keep you on edge all the time, trust is non-existent. It is at that point that one must do whatever is necessary to build or restore it, or simply call the relationship quits. Here are just some of the ways trust in a partner can cease to exist: They lie to us. This can take a host of forms (e.g., cheating, feigning their love, etc.)  They steal from us....

Should we remain friends with our ex?

It's a question I'm asked almost constantly, so I felt it was time to write an entry on this topic. Some people have no qualms about maintaining contact with their ex, while others are categorically opposed to it. This is one of those cases where, at the end of the day, it's at the discretion of the person in question. But there are certainly a few factors to consider that may help them make a decision. First, if the person is in a new relationship, their partner should have a say in the matter. They may question their significant other's motives in remaining chummy with the ex. Or, they may very well be swell with it, but they still have a right to know. If for whatever reason you feel ill at ease disclosing this to your partner, take it as a sign you probably should not maintain ties with your ex. If your partner finds out you've been keeping things from him or her, their trust in you will become seriously compromised. Another thing one has to question...

When you should walk away

There are certain times in life where, after much sweat and tears, it only makes sense to walk away from something, whether it be a troubling relationship, dead-end job, or other unfavorable circumstance. Though walking away can often be difficult, life is too short to endure circumstances so trying that it becomes difficult to get out of bed every day and face the world. If you're in an abusive relationship, walk away. No one deserves to suffer that way at the hands of a partner who's lost their way and doesn't show the slightest interest in mending fences. If you're in a relationship where you're being taken advantage of despite being heavily invested in it (emotionally and otherwise), walk away. You deserve better than to remain with a person who blithely takes you for granted. If one of your friendships, whether new or old, no longer adds value to your life, walk away. There's a season for every friendship in our life; once distance and other lifes...

MUST-READ: Never stay in a destructive relationship

You wouldn't stay on a sinking ship, would you? So why stay in a relationship you know is faltering? Whether your partner is abusive, lazy, or doesn't bother putting in the time and effort he used to, it's probably time to kiss the relationship goodbye. As I've noted in my prior posts, I encourage people to voice their concerns to their partner before taking this drastic step. A good heart-to-heart where both parties clear the air is essential to the health of the relationship. But if your partner refuses to change his ways, that's a clear-cut sign it's time to move on. Sometimes it isn't that your partner has done anything overtly wrong. Rather, you lack chemistry, or both of you have lost the spark that once drew you together. It isn't necessarily anyone's fault, but even in this case, it isn't advisable to remain in a relationship with the person. You'd be wasting time on each other when there are other people out there for both ...

MUST-READ: Something that many women never shake off...

Many women admit to having been drawn to bad boys in their youth. They claim that they found their hyper-masculinity and self-confidence almost irresistible. Unfortunately, nice guys with good intentions were kicked to the curb, left scratching their heads over what they did wrong. These same women say that they outgrew this phase as the desire for marriage, children, and overall stability crept in. So here's the central question: Do women truly get over this love of bad boys, even when they're older? I think that women eventually stop pursuing such men, but that doesn't mean they don't want to see a little "bad boy" in their partners at least once in a while. In my view, women want their men to have some of the qualities commonly associated with bad boys, such as: Self-confidence Standing up for what he believes in, even if that means arguing to prove his point Getting fired up for a cause about which he's passionate Being aggressive and tak...