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Showing posts with the label unprotected sex

Go with your gut -- always!

Have you noticed that our gut hardly -- if ever -- fails us? It's when I have opted to go against my better instincts that I've ended up regretting decisions. That's not to say our gut will never lead us astray, but that seldom happens. The reason why we should listen to our gut feelings is simply because no one knows us better than we know ourselves. Whenever I am prodded by other people to do something that goes against my very nature -- take a different route to the mall, drink a different kind of beer, try my hand at a new game -- something goes wrong. That's partly the reason I am resistant to change -- and to others' efforts to get me to do something I may not feel comfortable with. I have an acute sense of what I like and don't like, and it's only become sharper with age. I'm sure many of you feel the same way. I'm in no way insinuating that you should always object to trying out new things and experiences. But human beings are g...

At what age should kids get sex education?

I just finished reading an article on stating that Hispanics continue to have the largest teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. A myriad of factors are to blame, including lack of education about pregnancy, not having the means to procure contraceptives, parents finding the subject too taboo to discuss with their kids at a young age, and so on. However, a high incidence of teen pregnancy isn't exclusive to the Latino community in the U.S. -- it's prevalent across all racial groups. Take all the reality shows on MTV that center on teen pregnancy, like "Teen Mom" and "16 and Pregnant." I firmly believe that parents should begin having an earnest talk with their kids about sex in their last year of elementary school. In fact, I remember taking a human growth and development course in the 5th grade, but talk of birth control and pregnancy was scant at best. We all know what happens once kids hit middle school: they hit puberty. Their hormones begin...

The decisions we regret the most are usually...

...those that we never make. Think about it. What can come back to haunt you any more than wondering what could have been? Here are a few of examples of things people may not do, but later regret: Not having kids Not wearing protection when having sex Never getting married Not pursuing a degree or finishing school Not aiming for a better job because they're too complacent where they are Not saving money Not being more on top of their health (e.g., not smoking, doing more exercise, etc.) What's the best way to avoid being in this situation? For starters, we should all guard against the impulse to trek through life in a mindless manner. It's when we do things mindlessly that we seem to get in the most trouble. For example, the question of whether or not to have kids is one of the most important ones we face in our lives. That's a decision that should not be taken lightly. Whether one decides not to have kids or have unprotected sex and worry about t...

The 4 Biggest Relationship Mistakes You Can Make

Relationships can be an exciting time. We've all been there: Butterflies in the stomach, hormones on overdrive, your special someone pervading your every thought. Unfortunately, though, it is also during this exhilarating stage of our lives that we can make decisions we later come to regret. I've narrowed down the biggest relationship mistakes we can make to four: 1. Cheating: It doesn't get any worse than this. Cheating is the utmost form of betrayal. Even worse is committing the act and later trying to hide your tracks. If you don't feel you can remain loyal to your partner, don't get into a relationship. Think before you act! A few nights of pleasure aren't worth the feelings of heartbreak, jealously, and resentment that will ensue. 2. Having unprotected sex: Is it any wonder there are so many unplanned pregnancies in the United States, let alone the world? People get in the heat of the moment and forget to properly suit up for the ride. Whether it...

Not everyone is a risk taker

There are those who love taking risks, and then there are those, like me, who are risk-averse and like to play it safe. Taking risks could include: Having children when ambivalent (there are actually people who have thought it through carefully, as I have) Starting a business Gambling Drag racing Staying out at late hours of the night Having unprotected sex Jumping out of a plane, mountain climbing, swimming with sharks, or partaking in other adrenaline-pumping, high-risk activities Moving to a new city or country Not all of us have a high tolerance for risk. It depends largely on one's personality. I have always been one to play it safe and go by the book. Though it has certainly kept me out of trouble, I realize I can seem like a stick in the mud in some people's eyes. I've never developed an insatiable hunger for adventure like some of my friends and relatives have. But I guess that's what makes the world interesting, isn't it? We not only come...