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Showing posts with the label Want something we don't have

We all want something we don't have

Most of us are appreciative of the things and people in our lives. Still, there is always something missing that we wish we could have. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Wouldn't life become a bit dull if everything we could possibly want was in our possession? Here are a few examples of things we might yearn for: More money Better health A college degree Traveling around the world Children, or more of them A better job A partner A better house Right now, the thing I want most in my life is to earn a master's degree. I've always loved to learn, which I do even in my spare time. I find it unsettling that some of the people I know don't share my deep passion for knowledge, and yet they have that diploma hanging on their wall. Something just doesn't seem right about that.  That's why I'm mulling whether to go back to my alma mater and get that ever-elusive degree. Up until now, my excuse for not going had been that they didn't...