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Showing posts with the label pregnancy

Why you should NEVER take back a cheater

Taking back a cheating spouse or partner is a recipe for utter disaster. I'm not saying you can't forgive the person. I'm all for remaining friends, too, provided the person who was cheated on feels comfortable with it. But cheating represents such a flagrant breach of trust that the person shouldn't get a second shot at anything more than friendship, although infidelity precludes that possibility as well in most cases -- and rightfully so. If you do your very best to remain faithful, why can't your partner do the same? What makes you think he or she won't do it again? Many of us get the opportunity to cheat on our partner with an attractive friend, coworker, or acquaintance who makes an obvious pass at us. But we thwart the person's advances out of a deep level of loyalty to the person we love. The risk of throwing everything down the drain for a night of lusty fun just isn't worth it. Not only will you be wracked with guilt later on, but ot...

Scenario: Pretend your boss asks you for sex...

...and assume the following: you find him really, really attractive you're single and craving some companionship you desperately need the job you figure that a little rough-and-tumble in bed can only open up promotion opportunities Your first reaction is probably, "That's preposterous. No woman with a healthy level of self-respect would ever do that." But let's be real. In the heat of the moment, anything can happen. Loneliness can leave us feeling vulnerable. And when a person you find very attractive comes on you, it isn't always to resist his or her advances.  However, sleeping with your boss can open a can of worms when: one of you presses the other for something more serious the sex results in an unwanted pregnancy you decide you want to leave the company, much to your boss's chagrin, or vice-versa the boss treats you differently if you're not putting out If I found myself in this situation, I would do my best to muster e...