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Showing posts with the label good people

1 way bad people actually benefit us

The benefits good people provide in our lives are varied and obvious. They're kind, loving, and compassionate. They teach us to be grateful for the support and generosity we receive from loved ones, especially during difficult times. Now what about bad people -- the selfish, narcissistic, dishonest, insensitive, opportunistic individuals we come across every now and then? Do they benefit us in any way? Absolutely. Like the good people, they teach us a valuable lesson: Whom not to associate with. They demonstrate the opposite qualities we should strive to develop and nurture ourselves, seek in other people, and instill in our children. They embody precisely the kind of person we should aim to avoid because, rather than enhance our lives like the good people do, they diminish them with their pride, self-absorption, and callousness. Granted, nobody's perfect. We all exhibit shades of selfishness here and there. We all fib on occasion. But some people take it to a who...

What does this quote mean to you?

Tonight's quote comes from Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States. They called him "Honest Abe" for a reason, as Lincoln gave us some of the most relatable and profound quotes on record. Here's yet another one with which most of us will probably concur: "I have come to realize that people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln What I think Lincoln is trying to say is that happiness is largely a state of mind -- it's mostly mental. Think about those days where one thing goes wrong -- say, you lose your job or break up with your boyfriend -- and it seemingly casts a shadow over your life for quite some time. While going through this, how often do we really stop and say, "Hey, cheer up. There are people out there who have it worse. I am happy this happened, as it gives me an opportunity to improve my life. I will find an even better partner or job." Not too often, right? Some pe...