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Showing posts with the label exciting

Can't-miss tip for overcoming challenges

Let's face it: There's no escaping hardship in life. Whether we're dealing with an impossible project at work or tackling financial issues at home, life has a way of throwing a money wrench at us when least expected. But this doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Sure, we can feel lost and frustrated at first, but it's critical that we take the long view and realize we can emerge better -- stronger, wiser, more confident -- than before. And it starts with your mindset. If you can frame things differently in your mind, it goes a long way toward making it easier for you to surmount the challenge you face. Rather than meeting a challenge with trepidation, think of it as an exciting test of your will, drive, and mettle.  The former engenders feelings of fear and hopelessness. The latter approach fuels you with energy, motivation, and boldness. Sure, it isn't foolproof, but ask yourself these questions: If we didn't have challenges in li...

A big sign someone in the relationship is unhappy

A telltale sign someone isn't satisfied in their relationship is when they muse whether there's someone better out there for them. Perhaps they've been with the same person for many years and have seriously questioned whether they've missed out. One thing people have to realize is that, as with everything else in life, decisions involve tradeoffs. The moment you decide to enter into a monogamous relationship with someone, you each forego sleeping with and dating other people. If someone isn't ready to make that serious of a commitment, they should clearly articulate to others that they're not interested in anything serious. However, in some cases, people are happy to be in a serious relationship and genuinely care about their partner. But the fact that things have fallen into something of a rut -- maybe they've become complacent, maybe the intimacy has ground to a halt -- has led them to wonder whether things could be more exciting with someone else. Unless ...

A huge key to long-term relationship success

Most people -- male or female, college student or seasoned professional -- would attest to desiring a long-term relationship. Or, if they're already in one, for that relationship to last a long time, if not forever. Research has shown that a surefire predictor of relationship success is getting to know each other before marriage and/or cohabitation is brought into the conversation.  Now, that's not to say that a relationship won't last if the pair marry or move in with each other speedily after meeting. Chances are, many of us know someone who did just that and they're still with their significant other. But this is the exception rather than the rule. It makes complete sense why a couple that chooses not to rush to the alter and/or shack up so quickly has a better chance of seeing their relationship last. For one, they afford themselves time to really get to know each other. That includes gaining a good grasp on one another's: Dreams and aspirations ...

Your relationship needs THIS to thrive

They say variety is the spice of life. But it's also the spice of relationships. Infusing variety into your relationship keeps it fresh and exciting. Remember the so-called honeymoon stage? You know, the one where you and your partner were getting to know each other and every date seemed like a new adventure? Neither of you had to put much effort into the relationship, your hormones were raging, and any flaws were as yet undiscovered. It's as if you were floating on cloud nine. However, as time passed, the intense passion gave way to a calmer, more mature phase where you weren't all about jumping each other's bones. You grew accustomed to and comfortable around one another. Your foibles were put on your display and your relationship was tested in a number of ways. If you managed to weather such storms and opted to stay together in spite of all the negative qualities about each other that came to light, there's no question that the two of you share a deep...

Is it normal to miss the beginning of a relationship?

It sure is. We all miss the butterflies in our stomach -- the sheer excitement of having someone new in our life. Maybe your partner did little things that filled you with immense joy, like deliver flowers to your job or leave love notes in your wallet. Once the relationship begins to mature, these things tend to happen less often. As you transition from happy couple to married couple to parents, it becomes less about passionate love and more about companionship. Going from seeing each other once or twice a week to living with one another changes the dynamics of a relationship tremendously. Whereas before you waited for your weekly date with bated breath, now you've fallen into a routine of seeing your partner every day. Sometimes I miss the early days in my relationship, when I looked forward to seeing my now-wife with great anticipation. Everything felt new and exciting. We were getting to know each other. Our future together seemed promising. Now that we've been ...

Why we close our eyes so much

Why is it that we close our eyes when we do certain things -- like hug, kiss, pray, and cry? That's easy: It's because the most beautiful and exciting things in life are not seen, but felt with the heart . In other words, we find little need to see anything or anyone, for the intense emotions we experience come from deep within. Consider people who ride rollercoasters. At some point, they've closed their eyes just before a sharp turn or steep drop. Why? Because they become so consumed by their emotions -- fear and excitement among them -- that visuals seemingly take a back seat. In fact, many people find rollercoaster rides far more exciting when they close their eyes than when they keep them open throughout. I'm sure you've also noticed that many people -- perhaps including you -- close their eyes while eating scrumptious food, whether a cheese pizza or juicy steak. And there's no denying that a kiss on the lips doesn't feel as passionate i...

THIS makes your life much more exciting

There's a well-known adage that variety is the spice of life. This is far from a tired cliché; it's the truth. The only way to ensure that our lives don't get stuck in a repetitive rut is to keep them fresh and exciting. We do this by infusing them with new experiences. That can be anything from traveling the world to taking a different route to and from work each day. We are creatures of habit who tend to get stuck in our comfort zone, conditioning us to live each day in "rinse and repeat" fashion. While a little routine is to be expected, we shouldn't feel as if each day is a rehash of the prior one. If, at the end of the week, you can't remember a single thing that distinguished one day of that week from the other -- if the entire week seems like a big blur -- that's a telltale sign you may need to spruce things up a bit. And no one says injecting some spontaneity into your life has to be expensive. The key is to do a few little things ...

Women: Did you ever fall for bad boys?

Did you ever fall into the bad boys trap? Why is it that some women fall for jerks rather than for guys who treat them with respect? Do these girls have little to no respect for themselves? Deep down, do they feel that they don't deserve for someone to treat them well? I think that girls who do this have been burned in the past, get hung up on trying to "change" the guy, or find him much more exciting than the predictable and sappy nice guy. I think it also speaks to their emotional maturity -- or lack thereof. While most of these girls are able to shake off this so-called bad boy syndrome, others struggle with it even into their adult years. Trying to change a bad boy or jerk is an exercise in futility. While some people do change for the better as they age, others don't change at all, or worse -- they change for the worst. Bad boys emit what many girls perceive as self-confidence, but little do they know that it's all a front. In actuality, these guy...