Which gender would you say is more likely to forgive cheating? Men or women? According to a study I read about just the other day, it all depends on the type of cheating. Whereas men are less likely to forgive cheating of a sexual nature, women are less willing to forgive emotional cheating . In a way, these findings should come as no surprise to us. The research supports what many of us have been hearing for a really long time: That men are physical creatures and thus more interested in sex, and women are emotional ones. We've all seen movies where a woman catches her boyfriend sleeping with someone else. After much crying and bickering, the woman takes her cheating boyfriend back for one simple reason: He manages to convince her that he doesn't love the other woman. Now firmly believing that her boyfriend only has feelings for her, she reasons there must be a legitimate reason why he had intercourse with the other woman. A lot of thoughts begin to run through her h...
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