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Showing posts with the label teasing

Don't work at a place like this...

In an ideal world, we'd all be paid handsomely to work in a company we love doing work about which we're fervently passionate, all while being surrounded by wonderful people. If this sounds like your situation, congratulations -- you're the envy of many a disgruntled working bee in Corporate America. Most of us, however, take issue with some aspect about our jobs. Though many of these aren't easy to pinpoint until you've been on the job for at least a month or two, think twice about remaining in or going to a company where: 1. There's no room to grow. Are you the ambitious type? If all that stands in the way of getting that coveted VP spot is, well, ten other people, you're better off looking elsewhere. Even if you're just waiting for your boss to retire, you may be left waiting for a while. 2. You have no voice. If your boss and other higher-ups discourage creative freedom, you might grow to resent the job very quickly. Companies that are so r...

Why being an adult beats being a kid

Many people say they wish they could go back to being a kid again. After all, what is there to worry about during those years other than homework and video games, right? I much prefer being an adult to being a child, though. Here are a few reasons why: No more childhood teasing or peer pressure . Though it can be argued that some people still behave like kids in workplace, kids tend to be a lot meaner and more immature. At work, people know better than to make complete fools of themselves, as their jobs are on the line. And it's fair to say the chances of being bullied for your lunch money are pretty much nil. There's nothing like freedom . You are free to do as you wish -- drink, date whoever you want, watch whatever shows tickle your fancy, and so on. Having no one tell you what to do anymore (outside of work) is a fantastic feeling. I also like being able to learn for learning's sake -- and not because a teacher tells me to do it. Whether you're interested in ...