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Showing posts with the label Blessings

This person is most responsible for your happiness

Want to know who's most responsible for your happiness? That's easy. Look in the mirror . It isn't your partner, children, siblings, or friends. Happiness emanates from inside, which means only you complete yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt once said that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent -- one of my favorite quotes, I might add. Oprah Winfrey quipped that you cannot wait for someone to save you, to help you, to complete you. No one can complete you but yourself. And, as Mandy Hale puts it, happiness is an inside job, and you should never assign anyone else that much power over your life. Instead, you should wield that power to make a better life for yourself. Do whatever makes you happy -- whether it's exploring new continents or simply laying by the pool at home. Happiness starts with you -- not with your job, relationships, or money. If that weren't the case, there wouldn't be people in the world who have found a way to enjoy ...

Happiness depends on your thoughts

Buddha once said, "Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think." Marcus Aurelius echoed that sentiment in stating that "the happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." The common thread here is that the mind exerts a powerful influence on our happiness. Two people can be in the same exact situation -- say, waiting in a long line for an amusement park ride -- and process the situation differently in their heads. One person might grouse that it's hot and they're wasting time waiting in line when they could be doing so many other things. The other might feel the wait is well worth it if it means enjoying an experience with his kids that they'll likely treasure for the rest of their lives. As I've stated in earlier posts, there are two surefire ways to feeling happier: (1) Giving to others, and (2) Being thankful for what you have. Though most of us don't have ever...

The secret to appreciating things and people

The way to truly appreciate the things and people in your life is to imagine yourself without them. Put yourself (mentally) in a position of losing something or someone dear to you, and you'll quickly assign said object more value. Picture yourself without one or all of these: Your ability to see, hear, speak, or walk Your partner, parent, or close friend A pet you've had in the family for several years Your home or car Many people fail to consider that there are those who would give anything to have what they take for granted. They're instead focused solely on what they don't have, whether it's a better car or a bigger house. Unfortunately, it hits people many of us once it's too late -- once a loved one dies or another unexpected event transpires. Several people have told me that such an exercise really puts things in perspective and makes them less likely to take their blessings for granted in the future. I invite you to try it out and discuss ...

MUST-READ: We always want what we can't have

Curly haired women wish they had smooth, silky hair. Balding men just wish they had more of it, no matter the texture. Women want bigger purses and more shoes. Men desire bigger houses and cars. Short people wish they could be taller and heavy people would do anything to look like their thin neighbors. As you can see, we are in a constant state of yearning. Very rarely do we just settle for what we have and call it a day. No, we constantly strive to achieve or obtain things -- and the more out of reach they seem, the more desirable they are to us. There's nothing wrong with bettering yourself. If you've worked hard to earn your money, you should be able to get hair transplants, luxurious cars, or whatever else you're aiming for. I always warn people, however, against becoming too focused on what they don't have versus what they already do. We must keep things in perspective. No matter how much money we have, we're never going to get every single thing we...

We have a tendency to do this, and it's bad...

Most of us have a tendency to think about the things we don't have rather than the things we do. We often envy those who have something we lack rather than pity those who are far less fortunate than we are. I am guilty of this myself at times. For example, I live near a stretch of school zones that takes a good 30 minutes to get through during rush hour on a bad day. Sometimes my drive to work (and back home) takes an hour -- mind you, I'm driving a distance of a little over 8 miles. That's how ugly the traffic gets here. On these bad days-- it happened this morning, actually-- I feel the temptation to begrudge those who have a quick, easy commute. But then I stop and remind myself that there are many people in the world who would take that long commute in a heartbeat if it meant they could have a car to drive in -- or a home to drive to. Far too many people envy friends, relatives and neighbors with bigger houses, flashier jewelry, or more luxurious cars. What esca...

Gobble Gobble: A Note About Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving tradition stretches all the way back to the early days of the republic, when George Washington was at the helm of the fledgling nation. Following a resolution of Congress, President Washington proclaimed Thursday the 26th of November 1789 a day of “public thanksgiving and prayer” devoted to “the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” Reflecting American religious practice, Presidents and Congresses regularly designated days of fasting and thanksgiving through the the mid-1800s. But the Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate every November was formally established by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and made into law by Congress in 1941, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was in office. I think everyone should be thankful for their blessings each day of the year, not just on the fourth Thursday of November. We often get so caught up in work and other responsibilities that we neglect to focus ...

This WILL change your perspective on life

Life is hard. No one disputes that. Some of us go through moments in our lives that greatly test our patience, resolve, and even our faith. But for all the challenges we face, there are people in the world who have it a lot worse. I always try to keep this in mind whenever I feel the urge to issue a complaint. Below I've written a series of unfavorable scenarios we often find ourselves in and the kind of thoughts that should come to mind to help us appreciate our blessings. When you feel tempted to complain about horrible traffic (which I often have since moving, as my commute has grown considerably longer and more frustrating), consider this: There are people who don't have enough money to buy a car, so they have to brave the elements and do all their traveling by foot, via bus, or a combination thereof. Walking from place to place isn't always safe, especially if done at night, and buses can be full of shady characters.  When you feel tempted to complain about s...