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Showing posts with the label creature of habit

Are you or someone you know a creature of habit?

Want to know one of the many things that makes people get bored of their jobs? Predictability . Not just in terms of the work itself, but the people who surround us in the workplace. I work with an older gentleman who is the epitome of routine. Let's call him Andy. I thought I was a creature of habit until I met this guy. I can tell you exactly how Andy goes about his day: He goes to the cafeteria to get coffee at 9 a.m., grabs his lunch at 11:30 a.m. and eats at his desk, goes on his actual break at 12:30 p.m., makes some more coffee at 3 p.m., eats an apple at 3:30 p.m., and then bolts out of the office at 5:30 p.m. sharp. He does this every day , without fail. What's worse, he makes a pastime out of hurling the same tired jokes over and over again. We spend more time with co-workers than we do friends and family. Is it any wonder we grow tired of seeing the same people 40+ hours a week? It'd be nice if we rotated cubicles every so often and got to know differen...

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?

As much as I hate to admit it, I normally see the glass as half empty. The same occurs when I notice that my cell phone battery is at 50%. My first impulse is to reach for the water pitcher or charger. I'm usually one to harp on the negative rather than dwell on the positive. I realize it's something I have to work on a bit. However, my sometimes-pessimistic-nature helps me be a lot more perceptive than most people around me. By thinking of the worst possible scenario -- and taking proactive steps to avoid it -- I've kept myself out of trouble. My friends sometimes chide me for being a creature of habit -- one who seldom leaves the comfortable confines of his comfort zone. But I've come to accept and like this about myself. Not everyone is meant to be a spontaneous, happy-go-lucky wanderer. I think people who remain grounded and weigh their options carefully can live a happier life. They're less likely to make hasty, regrettable decisions. My friends know I...

Variety or routine -- which leads to a happier life?

They say variety is the spice of life, but for some people, routine reigns supreme in their lives. Does variety necessarily mean that you have a better life than the next guy? Like everything else in life, what makes a good life is largely subjective. Some people thrive on spontaneity while others like eating the same foods and taking the same route home every day. Neither is necessarily better than the other. A bevy of factors account for these differing ways to live our lives, like genetics, upbringing, and personality. And it's entirely possible that you could prefer one style at one stage of your life and the other at a different juncture. I would venture to say that most people tend to like variety and spontaneity when they're younger and routine in their later years. I am a creature of habit and keep my day quite organized and structured. Know those people who like to prepare to do lists and write everything down in an agenda? That's me. That doesn't mean I ...