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Showing posts with the label brushing teeth

SURPRISING: Something many women don't do every day...

I recently read an article in The Telegraph about a study that revealed that four out of five women don't shower every day . The survey also found that almost two thirds of the participants couldn't be bothered removing make-up before going to bed, and one in eight owned up to not brushing their teeth before turning in for the night. Even more surprising was that one in three women admitted to going as many as three days without washing their face or body at all. Moreover, 89 percent of the women stated that they would like to improve their body hygiene, but blamed morning or evening tiredness for their tendency to pass on bathing. What these findings tell me is that between marriage, jobs, children, and other responsibilities, women are more strapped for time than ever before. There just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything, it seems. Although a woman need only allocate a few minutes of her day for a quick shower, when she is feeling exhausted, that tim...