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Showing posts with the label violent

Do men REALLY have it better than women in this world?

Many people say that men have it made: they're physically stronger than women, don't have to give birth, and enjoy better salaries and promotion opportunities in the business world. The statistics below, however, might cause these people to reassess whether being a man is really all it's cracked up to be: Nine out of 10 prison inmates are men Among the homeless, men outnumber women by at least three to one Men are 10 times more likely to commit murder than women are Men are 10 times more likely to show up at the low end of distributions of IQ scores Men are more likely to be mentally retarded than women Men are more likely to abuse and abandon their kids  Men are less likely than women to take care of aging/ill parents Men outscore women on measures of closed-mindedness, cruelty, narcissism, hostility, and self-indulgence Men pay more than women for car insurance Men die earlier than women (about five years earlier on average) I think the above statistics s...

MUST-READ: Something that many women never shake off...

Many women admit to having been drawn to bad boys in their youth. They claim that they found their hyper-masculinity and self-confidence almost irresistible. Unfortunately, nice guys with good intentions were kicked to the curb, left scratching their heads over what they did wrong. These same women say that they outgrew this phase as the desire for marriage, children, and overall stability crept in. So here's the central question: Do women truly get over this love of bad boys, even when they're older? I think that women eventually stop pursuing such men, but that doesn't mean they don't want to see a little "bad boy" in their partners at least once in a while. In my view, women want their men to have some of the qualities commonly associated with bad boys, such as: Self-confidence Standing up for what he believes in, even if that means arguing to prove his point Getting fired up for a cause about which he's passionate Being aggressive and tak...