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Showing posts with the label end of year

What are you most looking forward to in November?

We're a couple of days into November. Before we know it, Christmas and the end of the year will be upon us. What are you most looking forward to this month? Some people say it's Thanksgiving. The most budget-minded among us await Black Friday with great anticipation. Still others are preparing giddily for colder weather. I'll be frank: While Thanksgiving is surely one of the things I am looking forward to the most, it doesn't sit in the top spot in my book. That distinction belongs to Election Day! I can hardly contain my excitement as I write this but, indeed, it all ends -- finally -- in three days. While there's no doubt we'll continue to see Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the news well after Tuesday -- no matter who becomes president -- it's a relief to know that one of the nastiest elections in American history is drawing to a close at last. I think most of us have grown very tired of the mudslinging and want a winner to be declared...

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween today. That means a few things are certain: (1) Costumed children (2) Lots of candy (3) Election Day looms ahead  -- finally!  (4) The end of the year draws near. Once we hit the end of October, it really feels like the end of the year is just around the corner. On Sunday, we'll be turning the clocks back an hour. Before we know it, we'll find ourselves working on holiday shopping lists and itineraries.  Halloween falls on a Monday this year, which seems rather odd, doesn't it? Many people opted to attend Halloween parties over the weekend in lieu of trick-or-treating on a school night. I see Halloween as officially kicking off the holiday season. You'll notice that many retailers have been stocking their shelves not only with Halloween merchandise, but Christmas ornaments and decorations as well. Their strategy is obvious: Market all the holidays in one fell swoop.  To be sure, it's a smart move on the part of these merchants, as...

Know what day today is?

It's hard to believe today marks the start of autumn. This conjures up images of yellow and orange leaves blanketing yards and streets, oversized pumpkins, smiling scarecrows, costumed trick-or-treaters, and, though a little further into fall, scrumptious turkey and stuffing. Late September also signals the time of year I find to go by the quickest -- hands down. Between holidays, end-of-year celebrations, and other special occasions, these final three months fly by in a heartbeat. And that's to be expected. We're busier than we would be earlier in the year, doing everything from shopping for decorations and cooking holiday meals to taking vacations and closing out year-end budgets at work. Whether you welcome such hustle and bustle depends largely on your personality, lifestyle, and temperament. Though I love spending time with the family, I prefer the slower, more relaxed pace characteristic of the times of year that don't see as many holidays. You're ...