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Showing posts with the label physical attractiveness

Looks do matter in life...Here's proof

As noble as it is to say that "only the inside counts" -- something parents try to inculcate in their kids from an early age -- research in the field of psychology has disproven this notion time and time again. People regarded as physically attractive have a number of advantages over others, such as: Being treated better at work Being deemed more intelligent and successful in life Receiving more favorable treatment by juries in court Being judged as more sincere Being regarded as more adept at activities/hobbies like sports and music When you think about it, it almost seems unjust that a person could get so many "free passes" in life by virtue of their good looks.  To be fair, though, while good genes probably play a role, it's likely that these individuals put some effort into looking this good -- from working out to spending more hours than the average person getting dressed in the morning. Still, attractiveness exerts a powerful influence o...

Winning a person's heart vs. their mind

Is winning a person's mind as important as winning his or heart? To some people, smarts aren't nearly as important as qualities like honesty, humility, and compassion. To others (myself included), intelligence is among the qualities desired most in a partner. I think brains are beyond sexy. I love having a partner who can challenge me intellectually. It doesn't necessarily mean she has to be a walking textbook (though academic knowledge will certainly win her brownie points). Rather, she has to be able to make strong, logical arguments to support her position on issues of the day -- whether it be technology, the economy, racial strife, or politics. In other words, I want my partner to be in the know. One of the ways my wife ultimately won my heart was by winning my mind first. I saw how smart she was -- she's a teacher by the way -- and didn't take long to become enamored of her. A woman who may not rank high in physical attractiveness instantly becomes mo...