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Showing posts with the label gym

Here's how to shake off those Monday blues!

For those of us in the U.S. who have to work today -- a federal holiday commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. -- getting out of bed was especially difficult. But don't despair! Rather than dwelling on the start of a new week as a bad thing, think of it as a fresh opportunity to do more of the things you want to do over the next couple of days. Maybe you're dead set on losing weight and welcome the chance to hit the gym early in the week, or look forward to squeezing in time to read your favorite book during your lunch breaks. Although everyone looks forward to the weekend, the bulk of the week is spread over the five days most of us have to go to work. That being said, we might as well do all we can to make Monday through Friday as enjoyable and productive as possible. That "I don't want to go back to work" feeling starts to set in as early as Sunday morning for many people. But rather than focusing on the most onerous aspects of the com...

THIS is such a waste of time. Do you agree?

It's a topic I broached in an earlier post this week regarding kids returning to school: TRAFFIC. The time spent stuck in traffic is time you'll never get back -- ever. Whether you drive through a school zone on the way to work or are delayed by an accident or two, traffic congestion can be anathema to even the most patient drivers. Once our commute approaches or exceeds an hour, it really starts to grate on us, especially if it's something we grapple with several times a week. It makes us more irritable and tired, often leaving us feeling awfully achy. For example, many people who spend inordinate amounts of time behind the wheel complain of chronic back pain, headaches, and other health issues. Worst of all is the fact that long commutes cut into the time we can be spending doing other things -- hanging out with friends or family, putting in a workout at the gym, sleeping, watching TV, etc. As I noted in my post on back-to-school traffic, I read while waiting ...

Double Standard: Fat Men vs. Fat Women

The other day, I happened across an image someone posted on Facebook with the following caption: "Fat men deal with women's rejection, but fat women expect men to love them for who they are." Interestingly, most people who responded to the image -- men and women alike -- agreed with the statement. I'm not sure I concur, though. For one, I've seen plenty of women paired up with guys noticeably heavier than them. The notion that all women reject big men just isn't true, and we should refrain from promulgating blanket statements like this. What's more, who's to say men don't reject fat women?  One of my friends has vowed never to date -- let alone settle down with -- a fat woman. I know many other guys who echo those very sentiments. I'm happy to say I married a woman who would be considered overweight or voluptuous by today's standards. Since I've never been one to insist on a perfect physique, she and I have had no issues conce...

Do people like to be checked out at the gym?

If you've ever gone to the gym to exercise (as most of us have at least a couple of times), you've checked someone out, been checked out, or both. The question is: Do people like to be checked out at the gym? Here's my take: I think most people wouldn't mind being checked out so long as it isn't done in an obnoxious, intrusive way. Gymgoers put headphones on to listen to music, yes, but many of them also do it to deter others from striking up unsolicited conversations with them. While exercising, we're tired, sweaty, out of breath -- needless to say, we're not exactly looking our best. Sure, some people couldn't care less and resolve to find attractive men or women showing ample skin. Is it fair to say that people who show up in tight leggings or muscle-baring shirts are deliberately asking to be checked out?  That may very well be the case. Who wouldn't be flattered to know that others find them physically attractive? If you have a gre...

BIG MISTAKE: Why people are too lazy to exercise

When I tally up how many of my friends and relatives exercise at least occasionally, it comes out to less than ten. It's more like six. Not good. Exercise is one of those things that constantly gets put on the back burner. For most people, it ranks low on the priority list, behind laundry, cleaning, dining out, and spending time with friends. What's more, people are naturally inclined to expend the least energy possible. Exercise involves some effort, and for many people it's just easier to plop down on the coach and reach for the potato chips. I'm one of those who used to find any excuse in the book not to exercise: "I'm tired" "I'd rather stay home watching TV" "I don't want to get all sweaty" "It's too late to go today" "I can always exercise later" "I don't want to deal with traffic" "Going to the gym is boring" "I already ate" "I have too much t...