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Showing posts with the label endorphins

2 effective ways to combat depression

When you feel depressed, it can seem like the world is crashing down on you. You're listless, apathetic, disengaged. You don't sleep or eat like you should. You lose interest in hobbies and activities that normally put you in a good mood. You avoid others' company. All you want to do is cry, stare at the wall, and be alone. Whether you're melancholy following a layoff or breakup, there are two things you can do to help combat the debilitating feelings brought on by depression. Mind you, these strategies alone won't do away with such symptoms, but at the very least, they'll help take your mind off whatever is troubling you temporarily. I realize people who have been medically diagnosed with depression may find these to be of little use, but they may come in handy for those with only occasional bouts. 1. Staying busy - By keeping busy with other things -- say, doing chores around the house, writing a novel, fixing your car -- you direct your thoughts a...

3 Keys to a Happy, Fulfilling Life

In this post, I'd like to share what I find are the three ingredients to a joyful, satisfying life. I call them the 3 Ls: live, laugh, love . The fact they all begin with the same letter surely makes them easier to remember. 1. Live : It's fine to be cautious and prudent, but we needn't live so austerely as to inhibit ourselves from enjoying life. In other words, we should strive to  live our lives, but in responsible ways . The trick is to achieve a sensible middle ground. Running up credit card debit and drinking while driving don't constitute living  life to the fullest. They're examples of reckless behavior that can get you in heaps of trouble, if not endanger your life. Instead, we should make the most of our lives by soaking up memorable experiences. Travel the world (without overextending yourself financially, of course). Hit up new restaurants close to home and far away. Try your hand at skydiving, scuba diving, and other exciting activities you never th...