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Showing posts with the label tired

Why silence is soothing for the soul

Silence gets such a bad rap these days, and I don't know why. I've heard people say they loathe being in typically quiet settings -- say, libraries, churches, or local parks -- where it's so hushed in there that it totally unnerves them. I recently visited my alma mater's enormous library, which spans eight spacious floors. The sixth and seventh floors have been designated "quiet areas" where talking is all but forbidden. If someone on campus wishes to hear nothing but a pin drop while studying or working, they know to go to the library. It's my go-to place to get some reading done when I find myself too distracted at home. I only wish I had availed of it more when I was a student there. As an introvert, it's hardly a surprise that I relish silence. It helps me recharge my batteries after long days at work spent in meetings and alongside people around the office who just don't know when to zip it. Extroverts find silence off-putting bec...

Is it bad to be a workaholic?

Being a workaholic often gets a bad rap, but I'm here to tell you that it isn't always a negative thing. Indeed, being a workaholic can actually be an asset in your life if three conditions are met: (1) you're passionate about what you're doing (2) it doesn't put a serious strain on your health, and (3) it doesn't adversely affect your relationships. As the saying goes, it shouldn't even feel like work if it's something you love to do. For example, as a writer, I'm happy to read until my eyes glaze over and write until my hand falls off. When I read about historic figures like Thomas Jefferson, who wrote close to twenty thousand letters in his lifetime, I'm left awestruck and, quite frankly, envious that I don't have the time to match his output! I am a rare breed in that my trade (writing) is also my hobby. But if being a workaholic is causing health-related issues or problems in your relationship, it's a telltale sign you're...

Start on your goals today, NOT tomorrow

If you're dead set on achieving something -- whether it's to lose weight, get a promotion, or find a partner -- putting it off until tomorrow won't get you any closer to your goal. Start today! Waiting until tomorrow -- or next week, or next month -- only increases the likelihood that you won't get around to achieving that goal. Either that, or your heart and mind truly aren't as invested in it as you may think. Procrastination is anathema to progress and results. Why not begin working toward achieving your goal sooner than later? The earlier you start, the quicker to the finish line, and the less of a load you'll have to worry about later on. For example, let's say part of your diet includes hitting the gym three times a week. If you schedule your workouts for the early part of the week -- say, Monday through Thursday -- that leaves the weekend for other items on your to-do list, from bills to laundry. Human beings are especially reluctant to do thi...

DON'T do this or you'll be tired all week

It's Tuesday morning and I feel tired. Tired and lazy, to be more precise. But why is it that I feel this way if it's only Tuesday? I should feel more energetic given that the week has only just begun. Oh, now I remember... This past weekend, I did so many things that I couldn't possibly remember all of them -- from visiting my mom to going shopping to hanging out with friends to attending my sister's birthday dinner. (I know I missed a couple...) We have a tendency to cram so many things into our weekend itineraries -- after all, it's usually the only time people who work full-time have to run their errands -- that we fail to leave some time for much-needed rest and relaxation. That leaves us feeling awfully tired as we enter the new work week. When I'm tired, I get lethargic, and that translates into an unproductive worker. Usually, I make it a priority of mine to spend at least a few hours on Saturday and Sunday taking a breather. And you should t...

Do people like to be checked out at the gym?

If you've ever gone to the gym to exercise (as most of us have at least a couple of times), you've checked someone out, been checked out, or both. The question is: Do people like to be checked out at the gym? Here's my take: I think most people wouldn't mind being checked out so long as it isn't done in an obnoxious, intrusive way. Gymgoers put headphones on to listen to music, yes, but many of them also do it to deter others from striking up unsolicited conversations with them. While exercising, we're tired, sweaty, out of breath -- needless to say, we're not exactly looking our best. Sure, some people couldn't care less and resolve to find attractive men or women showing ample skin. Is it fair to say that people who show up in tight leggings or muscle-baring shirts are deliberately asking to be checked out?  That may very well be the case. Who wouldn't be flattered to know that others find them physically attractive? If you have a gre...