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Showing posts with the label malls

Merry Christmas!

I'd like to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas! Whether you're in Connecticut, Calgary, or Calcutta, I hope you are having a wonderful day with friends and family. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, here's to a joyous holiday season.  While the fact Christmas comes only once each year makes it a special time -- especially for kids -- there's no question many parents are breathing a sigh of relief as the day draws to a close.  After all, between shopping for gifts at jam-packed malls, hosting holiday parties, and finalizing loose ends at work before the end of the year, it can be an awfully stressful and frenzied time even for those who consider themselves pros at this sort of thing.  It's important not to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. It isn't about toys or shopping sprees, but spending time with family and being thankful for what you have. I see it as a continuation or extension of Thanksgiving, even though we ought to...

When you feel like telling people to GET A ROOM...

I don't know about you, but I get annoyed when couples engage in too much PDA (public displays of affection). Whether it's excessive hugging or profuse kissing, it makes me want to shout, "Hey, get a room already!" I've seen this so many times at malls and movie theaters, with said couples often in their teens. It's as if they become oblivious to their environment, not letting anything get in the way of their groping or tongue-wrestling. What's worse, sometimes they reach for each other's butts and other private areas. I blame this, in part, on the parents. There's no reason these kids should be out that late in the first place. I recently learned that a mall near me is implementing a "curfew" policy where those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult after 9 p.m. I think every mall across the county should follow suit. Excessive PDA is disrespectful and inappropriate. It sends the wrong message to other people who may...