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Showing posts with the label personal level

Is three always a crowd? Find out...

It can be, at least in certain situations. Here's my take: I feel I get to know someone better on a one-to-one basis. Adding a third person to the equation can change the dynamics of the encounter considerably. A third person brings their own opinions and idiosyncrasies into the mix, some of which you may not find agreeable. That's not to say that three or four close friends can't have a great night out. They certainly can. But when you're getting to know someone, bringing another person into the picture can hamper your ability to get to know him or her on a more personal level. This also happens when you already know the person and would rather talk about certain things you both like and typically talk about -- whether sports, the news, or celebrity gossip. I've found that when it's a party of two, both people open up in ways they wouldn't with other people around, or they just act differently. For example, when we first started dating, I ne...

Can we fall for two people at the same time?

Earlier today, I submitted a post, Why love at first sight is a myth , which argues that establishing a deep, long-lasting connection with someone goes beyond the purely physical. So let's assume that a woman -- we'll call her Martha -- is physically attracted to a man named Joe and clicks with him on a more personal level, leading her to think she's in love with him. Now, let's make the scenario even more intriguing by adding another potential suitor to the mix named Matt, and we'll presume Martha is sure her feelings for Matt are no less intense than those she has for Joe. Is it possible for Martha to be in love with Joe and Matt at the same time? These are the kinds of story lines that great plays and soap operas are made of, but the question is whether it's even feasible in real life. Here's my view: I think Martha can love Joe and Matt at the same time, but to varying degrees. And who's to say that she loves exactly the same things abo...