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Showing posts with the label getting hurt

Tip: If your date does this, DUMP them

Some people really are all about the chase. And it's precisely those who we should avoid! You know, the ones who get bored once they realize they no longer have to work as hard to win your affections. Instead of rejoicing at the thought of the person they're dating being serious about and committed to the relationship, they actually miss being kept on their toes. They'd rather be kept in the dark as to what the person feels about them. Once their date is no longer a challenge, they go in search of a new one.  Playing hard to get might be acceptable when you've only just met someone and are trying to build interest, but once you've gone on a few dates with the person over the span of, say, a month or two, enough is enough. At that point, the two of you should be well past the games and focused on building a real relationship.  And don't count on the person ever changing. If you remain with them in hopes of their changing, you risk getting hurt or che...

What if you choose the wrong person?

Many people have asked me this question concerning relationships:  "What if I give someone a chance, only to get hurt by them later on?" The fact of the matter is that getting hurt is always a real possibility in any relationship. We all enter into a relationship with high hopes. In the early stages, the other person might seem so incredible that you would think they fell from the sky. Gradually, though, one's true colors come out, and they may not always be to our liking. No one's perfect, though, and relationships are all about accepting and working through each other's differences.  It's when those differences become irreconcilable that the relationship is in trouble.  You never really know how a relationship will turn out. The high divorce rate in the U.S. alone can attest to that. Still, if we don't take a chance, we'll never really know what the relationship holds in store.  Even if it doesn't work out, th...

Stay single until THIS happens

You're better off staying single until someone complements your life in a way that makes it better not to be single . If not, it's just not worth it. Put more succinctly, it's better to be single than in bad company . For example, getting involved with someone who brings too much baggage with them is a recipe for trouble. Perhaps they were abused or cheated on their last relationship, which may have ended only a couple of weeks ago. That puts an undue amount of pressure on you. Not only do you have to support them emotionally as they continue to heal from the ordeal, but you'll likely be held to a higher standard -- only because the ill-fated relationship remains so fresh in their mind and they're looking to avoid getting hurt again. People may try to convince you that opposites attract, but research shows the opposite: relationships that last the longest tend to be those where both partners share a lot in common, from their temperament and interests to thei...