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Showing posts with the label settle for less

People don't notice what you do for them until...

Some people don't appreciate all the things you do for them until you cease doing them at all. They end up learning the hard way that they didn't know what they had until it vanished from their life. And, by then, it's probably too late. No one wishes to be taken for granted. Yet, many people don't live their life by the motto, "Treat others as you would want to be treated." Some people just grow accustomed to others' nice gestures -- whether it's getting a call from them every week or a surprise visit every month -- and it doesn't occur to them that maybe they should return the favor every now and then. Relationships aren't just about giving, but receiving as well. They take turns scratching ones another's backs. One person should not be carrying the load on their own, contributing a disproportionate amount of time and energy. You should never feel embarrassed to address how you feel you're efforts aren't acknowledged...

Inspiring words for the new week

Guess what? You are not going to have a good week. You're going to have a great one ! Forget about all the things that went wrong over the last seven days. This new week offers the chance to press the reset button and start over. Seven days to resolve problems. Seven days to work toward your goals. Seven days to find pleasure in great meals, new experiences, and fresh interactions with your friends and loved ones. Whatever you do, do not focus on the negative. Instead, try to be more optimistic. Believe you can accomplish those goals. Believe you will get through those storms. Believe you will emerge a stronger, wiser person at the end of this coming week than a week ago. You can only achieve such outcomes by believing in yourself and opening yourself up to new opportunities. Don't be afraid of being ambitious. Don't be afraid of taking risks. Don't be reluctant to go against the grain. This is your life to live. Make every day worth it. You're capable ...

How to know if you're settling for LESS

The expression "settling for less" gets thrown around quite loosely, but what many people fail to realize is that it is entirely subjective. One's idea of settling less may not jibe with someone else's. While you may perfectly content with a GUESS purse, your gaudy friend may feel you're settling for less unless you opt for a more luxurious brand, like Coach or Louis Vuitton. Or, while you're happy to hook up with average-looking but highly intelligent guys, your sister may insist that you're settling for less unless you set your sights on guys who are a "9" or better in the appearance department. Furthermore, you may be told you can do better if you are not the CEO of your company, but what if you're happy having a less taxing, lower-paying job if it means spending more quality time with friends and family? This type of thinking is seriously misguided. The fact is that people have different tastes and disparate desires. Some of...