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Showing posts with the label skinny

This "plus-size" model made history

Here's an interesting story making the rounds on the internet: a woman named Ashley Graham became the first size-16 model to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue. What struck me when I Googled the busty Graham is that she looks pretty average-looking as far as size goes. That they would label her "plus-size" is beyond ridiculous. To me, she looks healthy. If a woman with her physique were spotted on the street, I seriously doubt she'd be deemed a big girl, at least not by the vast majority of onlookers. But, of course, the standards are different in the world of entertainment. I'm glad to see that the bony, emaciated look is finally beginning to lose its appeal. Let's not forget that, a few centuries back, plump women were actually considered more physically attractive than their skinnier peers. How did things change so radically? While I believe thin will always be "in," it's apparent that having a little more meat on...

Should our partners dictate how much we weigh?

In many relationships, partners are particularly finicky about how much they feel their partner should weigh. As someone who prefers curvier women, I'll admit that I've told my wife I prefer she not get too skinny . But it seems most women (and men, for that matter) have the opposite dilemma: their partners insist that they keep their weight at or below a certain threshold. Notice how I used the word "prefer" above when referring to my wife's weight. If she chooses to lose more than I'd like, that's really her decision. I won't love her any less for it. If she were to gain weight, I'd still love her just the same. I would never put pressure on her to cater to my preferences. I might only become more emphatic in my desire that she gain or lose weight if I see her going too far in one direction. When health becomes a serious concern, that's when I'll make sure she hears me loud and clear. I think it's perfectly normal for our part...

We're more attracted to people who look like us

In observing the couples in my immediate circle -- be it friends, family, or co-workers -- I've made an observation that research in the field of psychology, incidentally, backs up: People pair up with those who resemble them physically. I'm sure there are always exceptions to this rule (like one partner being a lot younger than the other) but, in general, it seems people like hooking up with others who are in their same league looks-wise. Let's take Hollywood. You'd be hard-pressed to find the likes of Heidi Klum and Giselle with short, overweight men. Ever seen Leonardo DiCaprio with anyone who isn't drop dead gorgeous? Me neither. If both seem at opposite ends of the attractiveness spectrum, however, it may be a rare instance in which: Something other than looks brought them together -- maybe they've been friends from an early age The more attractive person stands to gain something from the pairing (money, perhaps?) Looks were never a factor (e.g. ...