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Showing posts with the label disagreements

People WILL disappoint you if you do this

If you expect people to think and act like you, I regret to inform you that those expectations are unlikely to be met! Of course, you do have control over the company you keep. If you want your friends to be liberal baseball fans like you who advocate for the environment, you can make a conscious effort to surround yourself with such folks. And it's only natural to expect others to share common values like loyalty, decency, and respect. Otherwise, why bother keeping them around? But even like-minded people -- from your partner to your closest friends -- won't approach every situation as you would. For example, just because your hubby proposes a markedly different solution to a problem than you would, i.e., how to tackle your kid's poor math grades, should not be taken to mean your suggestion is wrong. Similarly, just because your wife doesn't display affection in the ways you would -- or as often -- doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Neither pers...

Stay single until THIS happens

You're better off staying single until someone complements your life in a way that makes it better not to be single . If not, it's just not worth it. Put more succinctly, it's better to be single than in bad company . For example, getting involved with someone who brings too much baggage with them is a recipe for trouble. Perhaps they were abused or cheated on their last relationship, which may have ended only a couple of weeks ago. That puts an undue amount of pressure on you. Not only do you have to support them emotionally as they continue to heal from the ordeal, but you'll likely be held to a higher standard -- only because the ill-fated relationship remains so fresh in their mind and they're looking to avoid getting hurt again. People may try to convince you that opposites attract, but research shows the opposite: relationships that last the longest tend to be those where both partners share a lot in common, from their temperament and interests to thei...