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Showing posts with the label plastic bag

And you thought you had seen it all...

If there's something I love to do, it's to go to concerts. I actually went to one last night and had a whale of a time. Apparently, I'm not the only one who feels this way, and opportunistic individuals looking to make good money have taken notice. I read an article this morning stating that concertgoers have taken to eBay to sell sealed plastic bags containing air collected at the venue during the concert! I assumed that it had to be some kind of joke, but upon deeper research, it became clear this was no hoax. In fact, some of these air-containing bags are going for hundreds -- if not thousands, and people are actually placing bids! You're probably wondering how someone would even know for sure whether the air was really collected at the time of the event, or just done at, say, that person's house. I raised the same question, but I can only surmise that there's a way to certify the air as being authentic. Perhaps the seller photographs himself or her...