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Showing posts with the label Skeddadle

Ever said or heard this word before?

I sit next to a guy at work who's as punctual as they come; he comes in, eats lunch, and leaves at the same time every single day -- without fail. When it's time to close up shop, we usually leave at just about the same time. (Have to beat that traffic, you know?) As I shut down my computer and gather my things, I've made a habit of telling him, "It's time to " skedaddle ." A cursory dictionary search yields the following definition: "to depart quickly or hurriedly; run away." My coworker has grown so fond of the word that he frequently uses it himself. In other cases, I might say, rather exaggeratedly, "time to make a mad dash for the door," or "time to schlep out of here." What endeared me to "skedaddle" is that it's such a fun, funky-sounding word.  Speaking of that coworker who sits next to me, he has his own quirky sense of humor, often substituting "goodbye" with "Me...