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Showing posts with the label desiring

MUST-READ: We always want what we can't have

Curly haired women wish they had smooth, silky hair. Balding men just wish they had more of it, no matter the texture. Women want bigger purses and more shoes. Men desire bigger houses and cars. Short people wish they could be taller and heavy people would do anything to look like their thin neighbors. As you can see, we are in a constant state of yearning. Very rarely do we just settle for what we have and call it a day. No, we constantly strive to achieve or obtain things -- and the more out of reach they seem, the more desirable they are to us. There's nothing wrong with bettering yourself. If you've worked hard to earn your money, you should be able to get hair transplants, luxurious cars, or whatever else you're aiming for. I always warn people, however, against becoming too focused on what they don't have versus what they already do. We must keep things in perspective. No matter how much money we have, we're never going to get every single thing we...