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Showing posts with the label insecurity

This happens when you take back a cheater

It's hard to believe that some victims of infidelity find it in their hearts to forgive and give their cheating partner a second chance. Is it worth taking such a gamble? Let's dive in. Taking back a significant other who's shown disloyalty to you can be a definite slippery slope. It's for this reason I would advise against making this move.  For one, who's to say they won't do it again? You may think you can rebuild trust in them, but in all likelihood, you'll be increasingly tempted to check their texts or e-mails. Perhaps you might question when they come home late or why they're having lunch with a co-worker of the opposite sex. In other words, your insecurity switch gets turned on. That's not to say that no one who's ever cheated has not been genuinely contrite for their mistakes or sincere in their effort to change their ways.  But let's be frank. By forgiving a cheater, you're essentially allowing them to have their cake and eat it...

Never stoop to others' level

Never stoop to the level of people who are mean and unkind. Instead, be the better person. Exhibit the kind of behavior they ought to emulate. Be a role model. Never give these people the satisfaction of behaving just like them. Don't lash out and seek out revenge, which is precisely the reaction they're trying to elicit in you. Remember, misery loves company, so they'll strike at nothing to have their bad mood/attitude rub off on you. Keep smiling. Keep enjoying your life. Show them that their rotten ways will never rain on your parade. Hopefully, they'll soon come to their senses and realize how childish they're being. And do not blame yourself for others' behavior. It's their problem, not yours. Chances are, they are battling deep-seated feelings of insecurity and trying to take it out on others. When someone's self-esteem is in the gutter, it can drive them to do and say things they later come to regret. Try to remain calm and stron...

Many men are purposely choosing THIS kind of woman..

I have noticed that a couple of guys I know have deliberately set out to find a particular kind of woman: one who's disadvantaged in some way. This can take many forms, including women who: Are broke Don't know English Come from humble beginnings (poor, not educated, etc.) Are vulnerable because of problems they're going through, like divorce or unemployment Recently immigrated to the U.S. and need help assimilating, getting their affairs in order, etc. Now, I'm not saying that these men aren't well-intentioned. They claim to love these women, and some of them have gone on to marry and have kids with them.  Here's what disturbs me: They admit they like the fact that the women are disadvantaged because it means they'll always have to rely on them for support. It empowers them. It makes these guys feel like they're in the driver's seat -- in full control. In fact, some of them insist that the women remain housewives, just so that the m...