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Showing posts with the label debt

CAN'T MISS: This is a BIG key to a happier life

Who ever thought that this, of all things, would be so integral to a more fulfilling life? I speak of gratitude -- making the most of what one has rather than yearning for the best and most of everything.  And gratitude boils down to perspective, one's way of seeing the world.  Some people see an old plate and others see the very thing that holds the nutritious food they're blessed to have. Some people see a rickety car and someone else sees the very thing that keeps them from having to take to the bus or walk long distances, sometimes into sketchy neighborhoods. Some people see a cramped apartment they can't wait to flee from while others see a roof over their heads -- a home where they can spend time and create memories with family. Here are just a few of the ways society prevents us from experiencing true happiness: By telling us to buy the next best and biggest thing, even if we're happy with the one we have -- whether it's a phone, car, or house  By persuading...

One way people can be really foolish

Certain people seem terribly misinformed when it comes to what makes a savvy consumer. They simply can't say no to a sale or discount, even if the product they're buying isn't something they really need or ever plan to use. Whether they're trying to take advantage of buy-one-get-one-free deals on cold cuts at the grocery store or deep discounts on apparel at the mall, they don't realize that, in the quest to save money, they're still spending lots of it. In other words, people don't mind spending money they otherwise would not fork over if it means they're getting it for less. For many consumers, the thrill of snagging a bargain is irresistible. It's no surprise, then, that many people find themselves chronically debt-ridden. Unfortunately, retailers have gotten smart at baiting shoppers with these ploys. By saying that a sale is only available for a limited time, or that items are running out, people are quick to act because they don...

Signs you're spending too much money

Many of us complain of being strapped for cash, forcing us to put off vacations and even milestone events like graduation, marriage and having kids. But we don't realize that our poor spending habits are likely to blame. Whether you're living on credit or spending significant sums on stuff you may not even use, such practices add up over time, resulting in in a mountain of debt, depleted savings, and other unfavorable consequences that can wreak havoc on your life. Look in your closet or drawers. Do you have various items that still have price tags on them? That probably means that you bought them to jump on a sale, not because you really wanted them in the first place. I caution people against buying things simply because they'll get something free or a second item half off, for example. It induces us to buy things we otherwise wouldn't buy if they weren't on sale. So, what happens? These things are left collecting dust at home while your bank account...

Women still want men to do THIS

According to a recent survey, many women still want their partner to be the primary breadwinner -- or at least make as much money as they do. More than 1 in 5 women -- or 22% -- say they wouldn't date someone who makes less money than them. That's compared with 4% of men who said they wouldn't date someone who earns less than they do. Another study found 69% of women said they'd feel uncomfortable paying all the bills compared with 46% of men. These findings aren't all that surprising. Despite the shrinking gender wage gap and more women rising to high-level executive positions, women still make less money than men for the same jobs -- 83 cents on the dollar. Thus, it follows that many women prefer having a partner whom they don't have to support. But women who are this picky may be missing out on great opportunities out in the dating realm. Even if he makes slightly less money, a man may make a great partner. Other variables should certainly be we...

Overweight people spend more when THIS happens

According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research , even subtle reminders of idealized bodies can encourage overweight consumers to overspend. Studies show that exposure to body cues (i.e., shapes) can have unintended consequences on seemingly unrelated behavior, such as spending. Seeing a thin -- as opposed to wide -- human-like shape prompts high-body-mass-index consumers to make more indulgent spending decisions. The authors found that mere reminders of the thin-body ideal can cause overweight consumers to feel worse about their own abilities, including management of their spending impulses. In one study where consumers were shown an object with a thin, human-like shape (e.g., something that resembles a Coca-Coca bottle), high-BMI consumers were more likely to buy a higher-priced, Fiji-brand bottle of water than a lower-priced, generic-brand bottle. Another study on shopping found that high-BMI consumers were more willing to take on credit card debt after seeing a...

Beware of overspending this holiday season!

As someone who studied and works in marketing and consumer psychology, I know full well how tempting it can be for consumers to spend money they don't have. You walk into a store and see shoes to die for that would look great with the spaghetti strap dress you bought moments ago. Or, you see a shirt you know your brother would dig, a pair of earrings that your mom will go gaga over, and a tool set that has your uncle's name all over it. Whether you're buying gifts for yourself or for friends/family, it makes sense to scour the internet and newspaper for the best deals you can find. Still, if you see that if your shopping list could easily translate into hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in credit card debt, you'd be wise to pare it down a bit. You can start by only buying one gift per adult. Better yet, why not get one gift per couple? Things like towel sets and silverware sets are items for the home that anyone can use. You may be tempted to buy the li...

Becoming filthy rich isn't hard. Here's how...

That is, if your goal is to become (1) rich in knowledge (2) rich in laughter (3) rich in health (4) rich in family (5) rich in love, and   (6) rich in experiences. Does money buy comfort? Yes. Does it buy security? Yes. Does it buy long-lasting happiness? It could, but that's not always a given. If it were, you wouldn't have wealthy celebrities battling drug and depression problems. Life is about more than money. Material possessions can only bring us so much happiness. Nine times out of ten, I get more enjoyment out of learning new things through a great book, compelling documentary, or visit to the museum than I do buying shirts, household appliances, and other stuff I might not even need. There are so many great things money can't buy. You can't put a price tag on the love shared between friends and family. You can't monetize laughter, especially not the kind that makes tears come out of your eyes. And you certainly can't appraise simple, every...

Fans doing THIS to help rapper get out of debt?!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I first read about this. After it was reported that rapper Nelly owed $2.4 million in taxes to the IRS, fans of the rapper took to Twitter to propose that everyone help Nelly out with his financial troubles by streaming his songs en masse! The hashtags "#HotInHerreStreamingParty" and "#SaveNelly" trended on Twitter, as Nelly fans exhorted people to stream his 2002 single "Hot in Herre" for repeated listening. Nelly fans would have to stream the song over 280 million times on Spotify for the rapper to make enough to cover his debt, which is nothing short of far-fetched. While I find it noble that Nelly's fans would go to such great lengths to help the rapper, this is a classic example of adulation for celebrities gone too far. It sets a bad example for current and aspiring stars, sending the wrong-headed message that if you become famous enough, your fans will bail you out when you hit dire financial strai...

The top 5 pressures we face from society

If you were asked to name the biggest societal pressures we face, what would you say? Chances are at least some of these will be make your list: The pressure to get married  The pressure to have children The pressure to be thin The pressure to pursue only those careers that pay tons of money  The pressure to have a nice car, house, and other valuables There are many more pressures we face, of course, but I think the five above are the biggies, thanks in large part to Hollywood, advertising, and the media. Many people would say that the first three concern mostly women, while the latter two predominantly affect men. I'd argue, however, that people are pressured into doing all of these things irrespective of their gender.  It appears the tide is beginning to turn, though. For one, a few of my acquaintances have kids, but they've assured me that they don't want to get married. Others have confided that they're childfree by choice and want to keep ...

Why you should use credit cards, not debit cards

As someone who's been a victim of identity theft multiple times, I know firsthand how important it is to keep your personal information safe, and how frustrating it can be once it's compromised. Here's a valuable tip: If you can't use cash, use credit cards. You should aim to use debit cards only in the event that you need to withdraw money from the ATM. Credit cards offer two key advantages over debit cards: 1. They're safer: Most credit cards these days offer consumers zero liability protection. This means that they're not responsible for any transactions made without their authorization. All fraudulent purchases are removed, thus bringing the cardholder's balance to where it should be. With debit cards, the process isn't as hassle-free. The bank will dig deeper to ensure you didn't make the transactions and will usually require you to fill out and send over paperwork. What's worse, you have to wait for the bank to give you your money b...

Striving for bigger, better things should have its limits

Many of us get so caught up striving for bigger, better things that we sometimes fail to appreciate what we already have in front of us. We yearn for bigger things with more bells and whistles -- the latest smartphone, a newer car, a snazzier watch -- when the stuff we currently have works well and may not even need replacing. The same goes for finding a new, better job. We mustn't fall into a pattern of simply wanting the next best thing because we've grown bored with what we already own. If the items have seen better days -- if wear and tear is in evidence -- then it makes perfect sense to make an upgrade. Otherwise, why make the switch? I'm all for aiming for better things and opportunities, but we needn't get carried away. I have a friend who changes jobs every two years because he gets bored that quickly. I also know several people who flip cars and houses every so often to feed their compulsion for change and newness. At the end of the day, they're our...