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Showing posts with the label curry favor

These people are annoying, aren't they?

I'm talking about butt kissers. Brown nosers. People who use flattery to curry favor. Sadly, it tends to be the primary weapon in the arsenal of people who want: A promotion at work To get laid  Someone to do him or her a favor And, oddly enough, this strategy tends to work! But that doesn't mean I am going to use it -- not today, not any day.  There's a saying that says, "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not."  If not complimenting a person's hair or dress every day makes me a bad guy, then so be it. I am nice and friendly, yes, but kissing ass is not in my repertoire -- nor will it ever be. This seems to be most rampant in the workplace, where people kiss up to the big wigs like there's no tomorrow.  If you're going to give someone a compliment, don't do it unless it's entirely genuine. And if you sense someone's compliments toward you are disingenuous, your gut is probably on point...

3 Proven Ways to Get Others to Like Us

From what I've observed at work as well as on Facebook, there are three surefire ways to get people to like you more. I've dubbed this the "CIG Model" so that they're easier to remember: 1. Compliments: Let's face it: Everyone likes flattery, and this is an easy way to get on people's good side. Whether it's complimenting their shirt or their new car, people build positive feelings toward those who make them feel good. On Facebook, this is manifested in the form of a "like" or comment in response to a person's post. 2. Interest : When we show interest in people's lives, they become more interested in ours. If the posts I see on Facebook are any indication, people especially love to be asked questions about their kids. They also like when others express interest in their hobbies, where they do their shopping, and so on. 3. Giving stuff : It comes as no surprise that among the most highly regarded people in the office are those wh...