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Showing posts with the label live life you've imagined

Do what's right for YOU

Do what is right for you . No one else is walking in your shoes. No one knows you -- your fears, your passions, your goals -- better than you do. Never let anyone chart your path for you, for only you know the ultimate road to fulfillment in your life. Never let anyone convince you that whatever you wish to pursue isn't right for you -- only you have the final say in that. Never let anyone dissuade you from attempting to accomplish even the loftiest of goals. If your heart and mind are in the right place, you can achieve anything. Your parents' or friends' experiences won't necessarily be your own. Just because they failed at something doesn't mean you will. Perhaps they lack your will to persevere in the face of long odds. Sometimes people secretly want you to fail; never, ever give them that satisfaction. There's no greater feeling in the world than proving someone who said you couldn't achieve something wrong . Only you have the right to say you ca...

Stop caring so much about what others think

It has become an epidemic in society: People care far too much about what others think . Many of us base our purchasing decisions around what we think others will like. How many times have you bought an article of clothing or item for the house because you've thought it's the one people will fancy the most? Or, worse, you have people with you at the store tell you which product they prefer, and you end up going with that one. Many people go so far as to only date men or women who receive someone else's stamp of approval - be it a friend or relative. While it's fine to seek recommendations from other people, we mustn't get into the habit of mindlessly letting them make decisions for us. After all, we all have our own tastes and opinions. We still have a responsibility to do our own research before we commit to making an important decision -- whether it's to buy a house or get a master's degree. Unfortunately, far too many of us take others' advice...