There are those like me who are overly cautious (almost to a fault), and then there are those loosey-goosey types who go through life like they don't have a care in the world. In my case, I like to play it safe and plan for the worst, which often induces obsessive compulsive tendencies like: Feeling as though you have to live way below your means and watch your finances like a hawk, should an emergency require me to dip into my savings Checking the door two, even three, times to make sure I locked it Arriving to work 30 or more minutes earlier than I should, just in case of an accident or other unusual circumstance In other words, I like to plan for the worst, but I realize this isn't necessarily how you live life to the fullest. I guess I am comfortable with the tradeoff: less fun for peace of mind. At the other extreme are the freewheeling kind who just don't seem to stress over anything. Whereas I am proactive, these people are reactive. Their motto is, ...
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