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Showing posts with the label alpha male

TRUE OR FALSE: Women prefer these kinds of men...

Earlier today, a local radio station reported on its Facebook page that 75% of women prefer feminine men rather than masculine ones.  Since they didn't provide their source, I question the veracity of their claims. What's more, I've found the opposite to be true: Most women have told me they prefer masculine men. Not necessarily "muscle-bound" masculine, just a man who displays self-confidence and doesn't cry every two seconds. I'd like to think that not all women long for a Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Vin Diesel, or any of the guys portraying superheroes like Batman and Superman. Surely, there must be average Joes -- thin, chunky, brainy, and otherwise -- that ooze some sex appeal.  What's deemed sexy and attractive by one woman might be considered unappealing by another. Luckily, we all have different taste, and there's someone out there for everyone.  Still, most women would probably agree that the ideal man strikes a hea...

Secret Revealed: The 2 Things Most People HATE to Say

Studies show there are two things most people hate saying the most. Want to know what they are? Are you ready? Here goes... People hate saying: "I was wrong" "I'm sorry" To be honest, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. People seemingly are becoming more selfish and arrogant by the day. It seems the headlines are mostly dominated by news of robberies, hit-and-run accidents where the driver didn't so much as stop to help the pedestrian who was stuck, and more. Ours is a culture that revolves around "me, me, and me" -- one in which greed and self-absorption rule the day. Why is it so difficult for people to fess up to their mistakes and apologize? Why must people be so stubborn and selfish? One of the qualities I value most about myself is my humility. I own up to my mistakes and apologize for them. But most people just aren't like this. Rather than admit their mistakes, they point fingers and throw othe...

Do women like overly masculine men?

This post at How to Understand People explores whether women gravitate toward overly masculine guys -- the ones people like to call "alpha males." From what I have observed, the vast majority of women seem attracted to men who display at least a couple of characteristics typically associated with manly men --whether it be facial hair, overconfidence, or the ability to be handy around the house. However, you may have learned in psychology class that women have an instinctual drive to find a partner who can provide resources, i.e., money. And the fact is that any man can have resources -- whether he oozes manliness or is an all-out metrosexual. So what do women prefer? Though every woman is different, I believe most look for balance in their partners. The guy need not have to be the next macho Sylvester Stallone, but he should at least be predisposed to defend her in any given situation. He needn't be filthy rich with a luxurious car and yacht, but he should at leas...