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Showing posts with the label sense of humor

Why attraction doesn't make sense sometimes

Have you ever stopped and considered how illogical attraction can be? Let me give you an example by taking you down memory lane. Remember back when you were in elementary, middle, or high school and there always seemed to be one particular guy or girl whom everyone seemed to like? Don't get me wrong: It makes sense why they would have many admirers. They tended to be good looking and popular (probably on the cheerleading squad or football team) and had tons of friends. Chances are they became prom king/queen. Maybe even you jumped on the bandwagon and counted yourself among the lovestruck. What I've always wondered is: Did all of those kids really like the student in question, or did they just express interest them because everyone else did? I can honestly say that I "fell" for the girl all the guys liked, and it was in middle school. Once the dust had settled, I realized that I didn't have feelings for the girl after all. I had just fallen for a...

The difference between being liked and being valued

A person may like you, but that doesn't necessarily mean they value you. So what's the difference? Someone can like you and still take you for granted, treat you with disdain, and run the relationship into the ground.  In other words, whether a person likes you or not says nothing about their willingness to invest in and commit to the relationship. One can like that someone possesses certain attributes -- whether ambition, a sense of humor, integrity, or loyalty -- and still not value them as a person. Take cheaters. Do you really think that people who cheat on their partners don't like them? On the contrary, despite their transgressions, many assert that they love and would do anything for their significant others! However, the mere fact they would even entertain the idea of cheating demonstrates they don't value the person in the slightest. If they did, they would know to put on the brakes and not risk jeopardizing the relationship. We also see this ...

Why shallow people are unhappy

Shallow individuals are those who place a great importance on things of a superficial nature rather than on meaningful ones that should carry the most weight. We all know at least one person (I know a few, as a matter of fact) who makes looks a top priority when assessing potential suitors. While looks certainly matter, a "face like Brad Pitt's" or a "body like Jennifer Lopez's" should not top anyone's list of must-haves. At the end of the day, physical chemistry may get the ball rolling, but it's the mental and emotional connection you establish with someone (and, hopefully, a spiritual one) that sustain a loving relationship. Sooner or later, we go gray, get old, and gain weight. We can't expect to look like we did in our 20s and 30s forever, nor expect as much of our partner. Beauty is only skin deep. Qualities like intelligence, kindness, loyalty, integrity, and a great sense of humor are reliable gauges of one's true characte...

Everyone you meet is one of 2 things

Over the course of our lives, we meet all types of people -- smart, courteous, obnoxious, rude, and everything in between. While we all wish we could meet only people who make a positive impact in our lives, each and every individual serves a valuable purpose. In fact, those we come across generally fall under one of two categories: 1. They're a blessing. They lift us up when we're feeling down through their infectious optimism, generosity, and sense of humor. They exhibit warmth, kindness, and hospitality whenever we're around them. Time seems to fly when we're conversing with these wonderful souls. Even if we go weeks or months without getting in touch, we can easily pick up where we left off. They're not all smiles all the time, though. When we're out of line, they're not afraid to put us in our place -- yet, we don't mind because they do so tactfully. They're a welcome enhancement amid a sea of fakers. 2. They're a lesson. Let...

Beware of those who use you in relationships

The right man or woman will love you for your heart and mind, and not just for your body or wallet. Above all else, he or she will value your top character traits, whether that be kindness, faithfulness, loyalty, intelligence, integrity, or a great sense of humor. A good man gives precedence to a woman's feelings, goals, and passions over the size of her breasts and how good she is in the sack. A good woman focuses on ways his qualities complement hers rather than how much money she can wring from him. (And let's not make the dangerous mistake of pigeonholing men and women into traditional gender roles. Some women can be just as superficial as men when it comes to looks, and some men are on a mission to find only sugar mamas.) But we'd be remiss if we didn't concede that physical appearance and financial resources do count to a certain degree. Would most of us want to go on a date with someone who's 300 pounds overweight, broke, and deeply in debt? Pro...

Don't fall for THIS kind of person

When it comes to romance, we all have different taste. And that's definitely a good thing, because otherwise we'd be chasing after the same people! Some of us are attracted to tall people. Some of us like quiet and bookish. Still others are drawn to gregarious athletic types. There is, however, a certain type of individual you should never fall in love with, and that is the kind who doesn't seem to know what they want in a partner. You never know where you stand with these people. No sooner do they give you the impression that they're interested in finally settling down with you than they back away. They're afraid of commitment -- plain and simple. They appear to always keep an eye out for "something better" that may come along. Just when you think you're becoming a priority in their life, you realize you're still an option. Unfortunately, some of us can't help but fall for people who turn out to be this way. In the beginning, they ...

Why you shouldn't settle for less in a partner

Which qualities do you really yearn for in a partner? Is it intelligence? A sense of humor? Someone who's gainfully employed? Whatever you seek in a significant other, don't settle for less. In my case, I had a strong preference for someone with or working toward a bachelor's degree. Since I was always a dedicated student, I wanted someone who similarly demonstrated a certain level of commitment to her studies. Thankfully, my wife, like me, was working toward her bachelor's degree when we hooked up. Moreover, I wanted someone with whom I could have intellectual conversations with. Someone who wouldn't be bored at the thought of going to a museum together. While my wife isn't as well-read as I am, she's a teacher, which in itself shows an intellectual bent. And let me tell you -- when we play along to the game show Jeopardy! at home, she gives me serious competition. While no one will come with every single attribute you'd want in a partner, no ...

Care what people think of you? Read THIS

Would you care as much about what people think of you if I told you that people, in the grand scheme of things, don't think of you as much as you think they do? That goes for all of us. In general, human beings are very self-conscious. We assume people are looking at or talking about us when they're really not. We presume they're thinking about what we're eating or wearing when that may not be the case. Let's face it: people have more than enough to occupy their mind. From our jobs to kids to bills, we have more important fish to fry than other's dressing and eating habits. Mind you, there are people -- we see them in the workplace all the time -- who do expatiate on such topics, but it's the exception rather than the rule. There's nothing wrong with caring about how you come across to others, but some people take it to an extreme. They spend beyond their means to buy the most expensive clothes, jewelry, and cars in hopes of impressing othe...

Should you date mysterious people?

Mysterious people exude a certain allure when you first get to know them. They keep us on our feet. They keep us guessing. They keep us yearning to learn more about them. I know this firsthand -- not only because I dated a couple of mysterious girls, but several I've met over the years have cited "mystique" as one of my most magnetic qualities. Being mysterious can certainly work to one's advantage during the courtship stage, especially if the object of your affection is very attractive and used to having people fawn over him or her. However, once things get more serious, it can be detrimental to a budding relationship. If one still seems mysterious after, say, five or six dates, it comes off as them hiding something, or shows an inability to open up. Naturally, most people would find such reticence a little off-putting, especially if they see the other person as being long-term material. I would let my guard down as soon as I felt comfortable enough with ...

Don't complain of being single if you're...

Don't complain of being single if you're super picky, which is the boat one of my friends perpetually finds himself in. He's gregarious, polite, and an all around good guy. However, when it comes to women, he seeks near-perfection: a slim, highly attractive woman -- we're talking Victoria's Secret-esque -- who doesn't smoke, drink, or party. Oh, yeah, and she should attend church regularly. Saying my friend has high standards is an understatement. He refuses to even consider women who are a couple of pounds overweight. While some may say his refusal to budge on his criteria is admirable in that he sticks to his guns, others might lambaste him for his ostensible shallowness. What provides ammunition to the latter group's argument, however, is the fact he often complains of being single. Well, little does he realize that his problem is of his own making. If you're going to disqualify the vast majority of the dating pool on account of what you f...

The truth about having good looks

Let's face it: Having good looks means nothing if you're a bad person. Beauty is only skin deep. Those who are smug and think they can treat others with disrespect only because they're physically attractive are demonstrating one thing: they're ugly on the inside, and that makes them ugly as a whole. I don't care whether you have a gorgeous face or an amazing body. A rotten personality undermines one's best physical attributes. I'd take a "4" with a big heart over a "10" who's as deep as a puddle any day of the week. I can't stand people who are conceited -- the ones who walk around thinking they're owed something on account of their good looks. They act as if they're God's gift to the world and often belittle those who aren't as physically eye-catching. It's these people who eventually wind up alone. Looks fade. People get wrinkles and gain weight. Old age catches up with us sooner or later. On the ot...

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dies

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in his sleep last night at the age of 79. He traveled to Texas for a hunting trip with friends, who say he told them he didn't feel well Friday night. When he didn't get up for breakfast this morning, someone at the West Texas ranch went to check on Scalia and found him unresponsive. Scalia was the first Italian-American and longest-serving justice on the nation's highest court; he served from 1986 until his death. He was a fiery conservative known for his brash personality and biting sense of humor. Though many people disagreed with a lot of what he had to say, there's no denying Scalia held a deep respect for American law and was a champion of the Constitution. Chief Justice John Roberts says he and the other justices are deeply saddened by Scalia's unexpected passing. Scalia, who frequently used the phrase "What can I say," was known as "Nino" by many of his colleagues.

Which 2 qualities do women desire most in men

And no, a strong sex drive and big muscles didn't quite make the cut. I know there are several contenders for the top 2 spots, but I would say the two qualities women desire most in men are honesty and self-confidence. I thought about sense of humor, but not every single woman necessarily seeks a man who can make her laugh. That would probably occupy 4th or 5th place on the list. However, every woman I've talked to says a man HAS to be sincere -- no ifs or buts about it. If she can't trust the guy, there's no way that a relationship could ever be possible with that person. With stories of infidelity dominating the tabloids and the divorce rate skyrocketing, it's no wonder that women are on high alert. Then there's self-confidence. Women desire men who are sure of themselves. Now, they don't have to be self-confident when it comes to every itty bitty thing they do (no one's perfect), but they should show passion and a drive to excel at something, wh...

Do women value looks less than men?

Judging from what my female friends have told me -- and based on the guys I have seen them and other women on the street go out with -- I can say with confidence that women are generally less hung up on looks than their male counterparts. We've all seen the blonde bombshell alongside the balding older guy with a beer belly. Why is it usually not the other way around -- a super attractive guy with a not-so-physically-appealing woman? Maybe it's that, on some subconscious level, men are pickier as far as what genes they want transferred to their offspring. If the girl is, say, overweight, he might figure that increases the odds of his kid having weight problems. Men also seem far more interested in specific regions of the opposite gender's anatomy, not to mention size (big breasts, round butt, etc.) I don't think this way myself. In fact, my wife is somewhat overweight, which doesn't bother me because I have always had a preference for women with more meat on th...