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Showing posts with the label writing

NOW is the time to be doing this

What do you absolutely love to do? You know, the kinds of things into which you'd happily plunge yourself 60 hours a week -- for FREE -- if you could. Most of us find ourselves with more time to spare as we work from home during this coronavirus pandemic. In my case, I'm happily pouring myself into my writing and allocating time for reading my history and psychology books -- many of which have been collecting dust on my shelf for years. An avid history and architecture buff, I've also been catching episodes of Museum Secrets, You Live In What?, and Travel Thru History -- all outstanding shows I highly recommend. Because my employer isn't all that gung-ho about letting people work from home, I am poised to capitalize on this rare opportunity to enjoy these activities in the comfort of home. Think about your deepest passions and how you can incorporate them into your work-from-home routine. Maybe you can squeeze in a morning walk with your dog, a painting ...

How rainy days can affect us

Many people absolutely loathe those dark, rainy days that, in their view, hold them hostage at home. They gripe that this prevents them from going to the mall, meeting up with friends for lunch at the cafe, hitting the gym, or crossing other things off their To Do Lists that necessitate venturing out. I see it quite differently, perhaps in part because I'm a writer. Inclement weather should be an excuse to stay home, all curled up with a good book and cup of coffee. If you're not a bibliophile, you can always catch a good flick while munching on popcorn. Or how about writing, painting, or napping to the sound of rain streaming down your window? Or, you can use the time to clean, do laundry, organize your drawers/closets, or take care of those other chores you continue to put off. As a proud, self-admitted introvert, I jump at any opportunity to stay holed up reading and writing in my home office, or watching knee-slapping shows with my wife in our cozy living ro...

Ever heard this word before?

The word of the day is none other than polymath , which sounds like something right out of an algebra book.  I first came across this world earlier this year while watching a YouTube video that described Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, as a polymath.  So what does polymath mean, you ask? The fact that it contains "poly" means you can at least infer that it has to do with  many  of something.  Per Wikipedia, it's a person whose expertise spans a wide range of subject areas. defines polymath as a person of encyclopedic learning. The term is often linked to great thinkers of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment who excelled at various fields in science and the arts. Aside from Jefferson, other famous polymaths include: Galileo Leonardo da Vinci Aristotle Copernicus Benjamin Franklin Isaac Newton I probably won't be a polymath in this lifetime, but it's because I strive to be highly knowled...

What living vicariously really means

The other day, a friend of mine stumbled upon the expression "living vicariously" while reading a book and asked me what it meant. It wasn't the first time someone I had fielded this very question. Vicariously simply means that you're experiencing something indirectly, like when your friend's vacation feels like your own. Vicariously is the adverb form of the word vicarious, which also signifies experiencing something through another person. An avid reader, I'll be the first person to admit that I often live vicariously through the people I read about in books. I'm an avid American history buff and am always reading books that center on the Founding Fathers, including George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson. There are two I enjoy reading more about than the rest, though: Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Not only did they found the nascent republic's first two political parties -- the Federalist party and Democ...

Is it bad to be a workaholic?

Being a workaholic often gets a bad rap, but I'm here to tell you that it isn't always a negative thing. Indeed, being a workaholic can actually be an asset in your life if three conditions are met: (1) you're passionate about what you're doing (2) it doesn't put a serious strain on your health, and (3) it doesn't adversely affect your relationships. As the saying goes, it shouldn't even feel like work if it's something you love to do. For example, as a writer, I'm happy to read until my eyes glaze over and write until my hand falls off. When I read about historic figures like Thomas Jefferson, who wrote close to twenty thousand letters in his lifetime, I'm left awestruck and, quite frankly, envious that I don't have the time to match his output! I am a rare breed in that my trade (writing) is also my hobby. But if being a workaholic is causing health-related issues or problems in your relationship, it's a telltale sign you're...

Something you MUST do before applying for jobs

Many of my friends have me give their resumes and cover letters a once-over before they apply for any job. You'd be amazed at how many glaring typos I find on the documents. It goes without saying that you must proofread your materials before sending them off . Use spell checker to find any spelling mistakes, then print the documents and scan them slowly. If you go too quickly, your eyes will assume everything is error-free -- after all, you've been working on them for quite a while. Have a more seasoned proofreader look over your stuff if need be. You might be asking yourself, "Why should I worry so much about spelling and grammar? I'm not applying for a writing position here!" Even if the actual position requires little to no writing, employers use resumes and cover letters to pre-screen candidates. If they're rife with errors, employers will infer that the candidate is not detail-oriented and will produce sloppy work while on the job. Thus, it s...

What do you wish you had more time to do?

I think most of my readers can easily guess what my answer would be: reading and writing. And I know many of the wonderful individuals who frequent this blog happen to be avid readers and/or writers themselves. With exception to eating, sleeping, or perhaps doing stuff with my wife that married couples do, there's nothing I'd rather be doing than immersing myself in a good book or writing to my heart's content. For me, reading and writing go hand in hand. I not only read to learn new things, but to study how the authors frame their arguments, with special consideration to their style and word usage. If I come across an unfamiliar word, I immediately look up its definition. These strategies, in turn, help me become a better and faster writer. I've also observed that the more I read, the faster I become at reading. Unfortunately, reading, writing, or indulging in any other hobby all day long just isn't feasible. We have all those other things to tend to -- you...

Why being unique is a GREAT thing

While everyone around me seems to do anything they can to fit in and follow the herd, I strive to highlight what makes me unique. Many people are leery of being too different from other people because they fear they won't be able to relate to them. In the worst cases, some even fear social isolation. Being a huge bibliophile, history geek, and psychology lover sets me apart in that most people don't delve into these things for leisure and personal fulfillment. They see it merely as work -- something that has no place outside of a corporate or college setting. I love to hit up museums and historic sites while on vacation. Most people would derisively call that a field trip, not a vacation, and proceed to sunbathe on a picturesque island somewhere. The fact that I have such a strong proclivity for learning and ideas doesn't make me any better or worse than the next person. It just means that I'm probably more intellectually curious than most individuals I come a...

Many say THIS was the best time of their lives...

If you could relive any phase of your life, what would it be? For me, it would be my college years, hands down, and many of my friends, relatives, and co-workers echo that very sentiment. And it's not because I miss drunken fraternity parties or on-campus events. For starters, I don't drink and I was never in a fraternity. Because I was a commuter student, I never actually lived on campus and thus didn't have the quintessential college experience. Still, I loved college because the academic atmosphere suited me. I always excelled in school (thanks largely to my mom, who instilled in me a passion for learning) and felt completely in my element. Even though I got a part-time job during my junior year, I still considered school my top priority. Indeed, I was one those reviled nerds who enjoyed reading voraciously and writing papers. One of the best aspects of college -- it's probably the one I miss the most -- was the flexibility it afforded me. When you're i...

Do more of what makes YOU happy

Recently, my wife and I bought a decorative frame we hung up on my kitchen wall. It reads as follows: "Do more of what makes you happy." I couldn't agree more. That's why I amble to the kitchen to read the quote anytime I feel bored or sad. As long as what you love doing isn't hurting anyone or breaking the law, you should indulge in whatever hobbies or activities tickle your fancy. Mine are simple: I love writing, reading, and learning. A day doesn't go by where I don't seek knowledge on history and psychology, the two subjects about which I'm most passionate. If you find those areas of interest dull, you're not alone. Many people tell me that history puts them to sleep. But that's the beauty of life -- we all have different passions, and we should spend our finite time on this earth exploring and enjoying them as much as possible . I might not have the slightest interest in your hobbies, but I fully appreciate a person throwing th...

What BORES you? Be honest...

This is an easy one to answer, at least for me. Anything that isn't intellectually stimulating tends to bore me, with exception to comedy movies and animals. Talk to me about the presidential election and I'm fully engaged. Talk to me about your neighbor's boss's husband's new lawnmower, and you'll have me zoning out in no time. Whether you call it small talk or chit chat, it's anathema to people like me with a perpetual thirst for knowledge. I often find greater company in a book or documentary. At least those things teach you something . What comes out of most people's mouths nowadays is mostly nonsense, or empty talk. I know that small talk is the name of the game in Corporate America, and one has no choice but to play along if they wish to keep their job. I do so rather grudgingly. So what am I trying to say?  That with exception to certain individuals, I find the vast majority of people I come across to be, well, boring. As I've stat...

What's your top career goal?

While some of us may aspire to rise the ranks of our current companies and become VPs or CEOs, others may be thinking about starting our own businesses. What would you say is your top career goal? It's okay not to have an answer to that question at the moment, as many of us are still on a seemingly neverending quest to determine what our true calling is. I know mine is writing, which is precisely why I hope to write a book someday. In the meantime, I aim to continue enhancing and pumping more and more content into this blog while securing writing positions of increasing complexity in my copywriting/editing career (i.e., my day job). And the truth of the matter is that not everyone seeks to be a manager, or is even cut out for it. Some people would rather remain in production-driven roles, where they're truly at their best, than transition into a more strategy-oriented position. And while some people would love to have subordinates, others loathe the thought of people repo...

Here's why your job won't fulfill you completely....

Whether you work in nursing, finance, or teaching, expecting your job to bring you fulfillment isn't always the best way to go about it. Read on to learn why you should instead strive to start a business of your own or cultivate hobbies outside of work. Expecting your job to fill a void in your life is a surefire prescription for trouble. Why?  From tyrannical bosses and untrustworthy co-workers to red tape that utterly stifles creativity, there’s simply too much going on at our jobs that is beyond our control . And when there’s too much beyond your control, it’s hard to fulfill your goals and make as big an impact as you desire. This is precisely what prompts many of us to hop from one job to another in search of conditions that are better aligned with our goals. Still, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I currently work as a writer in the travel industry. (That’s my day job;  I also write articles for websites and maintain this blog.) You would think I’d h...

Do you aim to be good -- or the best -- at doing things?

Do you strive to be good at the things you do in life, or do you try to be the very best at them? In my case, it all depends on whether I enjoy doing the task or activity in question. I like to sharpen my skills as much as I can at things that I truly enjoy doing -- whether it's reading, writing, or vocabulary. My goals in life include reading as many books and writing as many things -- whether books or blog posts -- as I possibly can. I want to be known as *the* writer or wordsmith among my peers. To me, that is the ultimate compliment. But if it's something I have little interest in doing from the outset -- like fixing or assembling things around the house, or putting together Excel spreadsheets at work, it's hard for me to summon the motivation to become good at it. In such scenarios, I try to complete the task with as little effort as possible, or with the aid of someone else. I'm just one of those people who really disdains spending time doing things that bri...

What's your PASSION?

As we get older, life can become rather routine and mundane. We all know this. We get up, eat breakfast, brush our teeth, get dressed, drive to work, spend eight or so hours in a cubicle, drive back home, eat dinner, watch TV, go to sleep, and do the same thing the next day. Rinse and repeat.  Lucky for us, there's at least one thing about which we're passionate, which makes life a whole lot more tolerable.  Passion gets us out of bed in the morning. It's like a great shot of adrenaline. It drives us to achieve something. It prompts us to push our limits.  As Oprah once said: "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." As I've noted in other posts, my passions lie in: Writing Reading Learning (especially about psychology and history) Animal welfare Helping the less fortunate Some of us are lucky enough to do what we're passionate about for a living. For example, you may love animals and wor...

Why do people get bored so easily?

In this day and age of such rapid technological change, anyone who still utters the words "I'm bored" deserves, at the very least, a slap on the wrists. I think our ancestors would be turning in their graves at such a pronouncement considering all that technology has made possible. In their lifetime, all they could really look forward to were leisurely pursuits like reading and writing (my personal favorite even now), knitting, and storytelling. Our generation, on the other hand, has the internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Apple, Amazon -- you name it. Sometimes we definitely take what we have for granted. Back in colonial times, people had to ride a horse for days of not weeks just to reach another city -- let alone a different state. There's so much we can do nowadays, whether or not we avail of the latest technology. Charities could always use another pair of hands. Cities everywhere are teeming with parks, gyms, shopping centers, movie theater ...

What's the ONE thing you're REALLY good at?

We'd all admit that we're all pretty good at doing a couple of things, but there tends to be ONE specific thing we're great at -- and I wanted everyone to share what that thing is. If you're torn between two choices, pick the one you think others would say you're better at. Don't be bashful -- you can be as cocky about it as you'd like! As for me, I've always had an affinity for words. That includes the following: Knowing the definitions to words people have never heard of or seldom use Being proficient at spelling words, even those long, complicated ones Typing -- I type roughly 150 words per minute Writing in various styles -- whether it's succinctly or elaborately  Outstanding editing skills Excellent proofreading abilities I'm a very fast reader -- I devour books like there's no tomorrow I have a nearly photographic memory It's no wonder that writing is my profession. I'm one of the few people out there who can ac...

Do you desire book smarts or street smarts in a partner

Do you prefer for your partner to be the bookworm brainy type? Or would you prefer someone more practical who applies his or her knowledge toward solving real-world problems? I suspect that most of my readers will say they prefer the latter. I am of the belief that people should have a little of both. It's obvious that people will tilt toward one side more than the other. The key is to pick a partner who balances you out. For example, despite the fact my wife is a teacher, I feel I am the more intellectual one in the relationship. She doesn't like to read, and some of the documentaries I watch put her to sleep in no time. She also finds writing to be a chore while I can do it all day long -- not only is it my job, it's also my favorite hobby. On the other hand, she is very practical when it comes to fixing and assembling things, cooking, and other "real world" stuff that bores me to no end. Although I can do some things myself, I usually let her assume respo...

Understanding People - Quote of the Day

Today's quote comes from Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), a respected organist, theologian, physician, philosopher, and medical missionary in Africa. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer  I think Schweitzer is coming through loud and clear on this one. Many people feel that happiness can only be measured by how successful you are -- say, how much money you're making, how many material possessions you own, etc. But if you're happy with what you're doing to begin with, the money and goods are just icing on the cake. That's precisely why so many people have outlets outside of their regular jobs through which they can flex their creative muscle and do the things that truly matter to them. Let's face it. Most of us aren't lucky enough to work in jobs that grant us the creative latitude we so desperately crave. We're told what to do ...

If you could be a millionaire, would you really want to live like one?

All of us yearn to win the lottery someday so that we can gleefully hand our bosses a resignation letter and live in the lap of luxury. Or do we? We claim to want to be millionaires, but how can we be sure we would really enjoy that kind of lifestyle? For people like me who aren't heavy spenders and don't necessarily gravitate toward luxury brands, being rich may not be our ultimate goal in life. We may not be all that interested in acquiring more money than we know what to do with. And some of us might feel pressured to live like millionaires -- say, driving around in a Maserati and living in a resplendent mansion -- simply because we have the means to do so. I have never aspired to become a millionaire. I've only wished to have enough saved up to afford me a comfortable life. What's more, I am not -- nor have I ever been -- materialistic. While other people may look forward to their next vacation or contemplate which fancy restaurant they are going to hit up nex...