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Showing posts with the label affection

This happens when you take back a cheater

It's hard to believe that some victims of infidelity find it in their hearts to forgive and give their cheating partner a second chance. Is it worth taking such a gamble? Let's dive in. Taking back a significant other who's shown disloyalty to you can be a definite slippery slope. It's for this reason I would advise against making this move.  For one, who's to say they won't do it again? You may think you can rebuild trust in them, but in all likelihood, you'll be increasingly tempted to check their texts or e-mails. Perhaps you might question when they come home late or why they're having lunch with a co-worker of the opposite sex. In other words, your insecurity switch gets turned on. That's not to say that no one who's ever cheated has not been genuinely contrite for their mistakes or sincere in their effort to change their ways.  But let's be frank. By forgiving a cheater, you're essentially allowing them to have their cake and eat it...

Your relationship may last longer if...

Do you consider your partner your best friend? If so, your relationship may be better equipped to last than couples who don't have those very sentiments. Studies show that those who consider their partner their best friend tend to be far more satisfied in their relationship than those who don't.  This finding is consistent with research showing that relationships characterized by more companionate love – those high in affection, friendship, security, comfort, and mutual interests – last longer and are more satisfying. In fact, companionate love is more closely linked with relationship satisfaction than is passionate love, which entails intense feelings of attraction and preoccupation with one’s partner. Other research shows that those in friendship-centric love relationships feel they have a highly likable partner, and that shared companionship is an integral part of the love.  A study of over 600 married individuals revealed that those with hig...

Why people who are "too busy" for you are lying

No one is "too busy" for you, at least not all the time. Those who say that are being dishonest. Sure, they may be too busy to call back or respond to your text today, tomorrow, or even this whole week. But to go several weeks -- if not months -- without getting back to you is just, well, too much for anyone to have to stomach. Even if someone is going through a rough patch in their life, a quick note to say as much -- and that they will touch base once the situation improves -- will more than suffice. Being left hanging isn't what someone who values you does. If anything, it demonstrates the exact opposite: indifference. People prioritize the things and people that matter to them. Such a situation is made all the more demoralizing when you recognize that you yourself make a conscious effort to respond to others even when you're down in the dumps. But as I've noted time and again, you can't expect people to behave exactly as you would or care a...

People WILL disappoint you if you do this

If you expect people to think and act like you, I regret to inform you that those expectations are unlikely to be met! Of course, you do have control over the company you keep. If you want your friends to be liberal baseball fans like you who advocate for the environment, you can make a conscious effort to surround yourself with such folks. And it's only natural to expect others to share common values like loyalty, decency, and respect. Otherwise, why bother keeping them around? But even like-minded people -- from your partner to your closest friends -- won't approach every situation as you would. For example, just because your hubby proposes a markedly different solution to a problem than you would, i.e., how to tackle your kid's poor math grades, should not be taken to mean your suggestion is wrong. Similarly, just because your wife doesn't display affection in the ways you would -- or as often -- doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Neither pers...

What if one person cares more than the other?

Is a relationship doomed when one person is a bit more invested than the other? Not necessarily.  In fact, it's quite typical for one partner to care a little more than their significant other -- and the roles can switch over the course of the relationship. This can happen because of a myriad of factors, including: One person having a more stressful job Illness One partner being more organized and on top of things (e.g., relationship milestones, finances, etc.) In essence, it doesn't mean that the person who's a little less committed doesn't value the relationship. But everything from a person's disposition/personality to life simply getting in the way has to be factored in. And sometimes it may seem like they don't care as much because that's how the partner perceives it, but it's not the case at all. For example, some people are naturally more mushy than others. Just because they're not always keen on displaying affec...

Should relationships always be 50/50?

Nobody would argue that relationships are (or should be) about give and take. If one finds himself constantly giving but never receiving -- be it love, affection, emotional support -- it won't be long before he realizes things are badly lopsided, potentially prompting him to walk unless the other person begins to appreciate him more. That being said, many people argue that relationships should be 50/50, with each partner investing an equal amount of time and energy. But should it always be this way? While I think partners should certainly strive to contribute proportionally, it can't be this way ALL the time. If someone has had a bad day at work or isn't feeling well, it makes sense for one partner to be noticeably more giving for the time being. Then, when the other person suffers a similar fate, they, too, should receive the same treatment. Then there are those cases where both individuals suffer together (e.g., grieving the loss of a mutual friend) and act ...

People need to SHOW they care, or it's over

Given that Thursday marked Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., it made the perfect occasion to take a moment and acknowledge the efforts of the special people in our lives who show they genuinely care for us -- whether it be our parents, partner, close friends, and/or co-workers. (Yet, this should be done over the course of the entire year, not just one day of the year.) As we well know, one thing is to profess you care, and another is to show it. Showing it means going out of your way -- inconveniencing yourself, if you will -- for other people. It means putting someone atop your priority list every so often, even though you have a slew of things you still need to tend to. It means being there when someone needs you, even if it's just via text or by phone. It means that you don't just surface on the person's birthday.  Real relationships are about putting into them what you get out of them .  Those who care aren't only thinking about what they can extract f...

This is NOT how you win over a woman

Here's a quick dating tip for the fellas: If you assume that you'll win over a woman by merely being nice and sweet to her, you're wrong. If you think that showering her with gifts and affection is all it'll take, your thinking is misguided. Rather, wooing a woman involves a combination of these things, plus many more. Earning her respect is critical, and you do so by having or striving for a good job; treating your family, friends, and peers well; being hard-working and intelligent; and exuding honesty and integrity. Being sweet and romantic should be part of the overall package, but it is hardly enough. All the flowers, chocolates, and cutesy notes in the world can never compensate for highly undesirable qualities like irrepressible anger, a slovenly appearance, and chronic dishonesty. Above all, if a woman doesn't feel she can trust a man, there's simply no hope for a relationship.

THIS is the best thing you can give someone

Do you know what the most valuable thing you can give someone is? It's not money. It's not knowledge. It isn't even love or affection. No, the most precious gift you can give someone is your time.  Why? Because it's the only thing you can give someone that you won't ever get back.  The time you spend calling someone on the phone, writing them a letter, or paying them a visit is time that will never be returned to you in this lifetime. That's why we should always appreciate the time people take out of their busy schedules for us, just as they should be grateful for the time we carve out for them. There are only so many hours in a day. We should all aim to make as much time for the people who matter most to us while reserving some time for ourselves as well. Between work, family, household chores, and hobbies, free time is very hard to come by for many of us. But the more effort we put into managing our time, the less likely we...

Should you date mysterious people?

Mysterious people exude a certain allure when you first get to know them. They keep us on our feet. They keep us guessing. They keep us yearning to learn more about them. I know this firsthand -- not only because I dated a couple of mysterious girls, but several I've met over the years have cited "mystique" as one of my most magnetic qualities. Being mysterious can certainly work to one's advantage during the courtship stage, especially if the object of your affection is very attractive and used to having people fawn over him or her. However, once things get more serious, it can be detrimental to a budding relationship. If one still seems mysterious after, say, five or six dates, it comes off as them hiding something, or shows an inability to open up. Naturally, most people would find such reticence a little off-putting, especially if they see the other person as being long-term material. I would let my guard down as soon as I felt comfortable enough with ...

Do women like emotional men?

It's just one of countless stereotypes that never seem to go away: that men are purely rational creatures who don't show emotion. I am a man and not ashamed to admit that I show a healthy dose of emotion. I can't bear to see a dead animal, or one in any sort of pain. I had a cat for 25 years that I found dead in my yard in 2005. I had another cat who vanished on a cool December night, never to be seen again. I found my third cat -- only about a year and a half at the time -- lying lifeless across the street from my home. I cried all three times as if i had lost a member of the family. I also cry whenever I see sad stories involving animals in movies or TV shows. I have also cried when I have confronted challenging moments, like when I was laid off in the throes of the financial crisis and felt like I'd never find a half-decent job. So, if there was any doubt in your mind as to whether men have shows of affection, there's your answer. Now, for women, is there...