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Showing posts with the label fib

Say what you mean, mean what you say

This can be further expanded as follows: "Say what you mean and mean what you say; say what you do and do what you say." Put simply, be genuine. Your actions should always back up your words, and vice-versa. Now, let's be real here. All of us lie on occasion. No one follows through on every single thing they say 100% of the time. We sometimes say one thing and do another. Our actions don't always align with our words. For example, you've likely lied to your boss about being sick in order to miss work for a concert or some other leisurely activity. Maybe you've lied to a friend or relative to get out of having to attend a social function. I'll be the first to admit that I've told people I plan to something and fail to live up to my word. In such cases, I've apologized and made a conscious effort not to repeat the mistake. People have done the same thing to me. A little fib here and there is to be expected. However, if this becomes the no...

Once a liar, always a liar?

Have you noticed that compulsive liars can never quite shake off their nasty habit? Sure, everyone fibs from time to time, but chronic liars make lying a pastime. They're dishonest to everyone from their parents to the mailman. I try my best not to associate myself with people of this ilk, but it isn't always to pinpoint liars -- at least not in the beginning. Unfortunately, many people -- namely friends and relatives -- continually give these individuals free passes, thus fueling their desire to perpetuate the behavior. They start to think, "Hey, if I can get away with it, I'll continue to lie." Lying is a surefire way to demolish a friendship or relationship. Communication and trust comprise the cornerstone of a relationship -- in the absence of one or both of these crucial variables, it is doomed to fail. Bottom line: Don't let liars get away with it. Put the offender in his place and make it clear that if he respects you and values your bond toge...