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Showing posts with the label arrogant people

Understanding arrogant people

Arrogance is one of the worst qualities one can have. Arrogant people are hard-headed, self-absorbed, and willing to step on other's toes in order to achieve their ends. We all know people at work who fit this profile. They tend to be those higher up in the chain of command, though this isn't always the case. I have a hard time apprehending why some people can have such a high opinion of themselves -- enough to border on narcissism. Just because someone makes more money, is in a higher position, or lives in a better house than someone else doesn't make him better or worthy of more respect. If more people practiced humility, the world would surely be a better place. Sometimes I feel like arrogant folks are trying to overcompensate for something seriously lacking in their lives. If you ever find yourself in the presence of such an individual, don't let him get the best of you. They'll stop at nothing to inflate their egos--that is why you must remain firm in you...