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Showing posts with the label popularity contest

Stop comparing your life to others'

If there's one thing I've learned about Facebook, it's that it seems designed to make people envy each other. The child-free couple taking off on a cruise vacation at the drop of a hat. The newlyweds boasting of how perfect their lives are together. Sally posting pictures at the finest restaurants in Beverly Hills. Many people seem to use the social networking site as a way to portray their lives as being better than yours and mine. And some of them will go to the ends of the earth to get as many "likes" and positive comments as they possibly can. Thus the reason I've cut back on my use of Facebook in recent months. It's also devolved into a popularity contest of sorts that I wish not to be a part of. Maybe you don't wish to compare your life to others' because you're happy with it as it is. Just because the Coopers have three kids and a dog, live in a huge house, and go to Disney World every three months doesn't mean I have the least...

Facebook: A popularity contest between women?

I can't help but notice how some women seem intent on upstaging each other on Facebook. What was once a platform for merely catching up with buddies has become an outlet for posting more selfies, pictures of children, or photos of vacations than one's friends -- and getting as many "likes" for them as possible. You might be wondering why the title mentions only women. It's because, from what I've observed, men seem a little more Facebook shy. I hardly see my male friends post anything other than humorous pictures ("memes") and videos. If I do happen to see them in pictures or videos, it's usually their wives or girlfriends doing the posting. In other words, it appears that women generally make the Facebook experience much more personal than men, as if they desire more attention and validation from others. They seem to be far more showy, with posts showcasing new dresses, jewelry, or their kids' diplomas. I'm not saying that all wome...