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Showing posts with the label hear myself think

ANNOYING: People who hate when it's too quiet

This morning, I was laser-focused on my work -- so much so that my co-worker questioned why I was so quiet. It's not the first time he's remarked on how quiet I can get when I'm very busy. On a few other occasions, he's stated that the office has been so quiet that he could almost hear himself think. People who are like this get on my nerves. (My apologies if you react similarly in quiet settings.) We get enough noise out on the street and at home. A little silence never hurt anybody, so what's the big deal? People who hold a disdain for quietness tend to be as such: Highly extroverted  Rely on external stimuli to stay focused and entertained (other people, etc.) Not particularly deep thinkers -- they tend to avoid solitary pursuits like reading and writing Have a high need for attention Are probably not that busy themselves if they have the time to notice how quiet it is Can be awfully insecure -- they suspect that people must be quiet for a reason ...

Does total silence make you uncomfortable?

I've had several people -- within the last month, actually -- tell me that being somewhere in utter silence makes them uneasy. It doesn't matter whether they're lying in bed, sitting in their car, or studying in the library. Some people can't stand complete silence, and it isn't long before they feel compelled to reach for their phone, a TV remote, or their cell phone to break the quietness. Frankly, this has me rather baffled to say the least. After being assaulted by the chatter of nosy co-workers all day at work, driving home with the radio off offers a welcome reprieve, as does holing up in a quiet room at home. Here are a few reasons people give for their aversion to overly quiet environments: They "hate to hear themselves think" When it's too quiet, they feel lonely They get bored They're just not used to that much silence Personally, being in a quiet setting helps me regain my energy. Too much noise and commotion stress me out, ...