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Showing posts with the label hillary clinton

Do you agree with this quote?

There's a quote I saw somewhere a few years ago that has stayed firmly embedded in memory: "To the world you may just be one person, but to one person you may be the world." Think about it. There are roughly 7 to 7.5 billion people on earth. Unless you're Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Kim Kardashian, or some other famous politician or celebrity, you -- like me -- are merely a speck of matter on this vast, overpopulated planet. Luckily, each and every one of us has a special place in someone's heart. We're all the center of someone's universe, whether it's that of our kids, partner, friends, or all of the above. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be loved by a few people and remain largely obscure to the general population than be in the shoes of celebrities and politicians, many of whom are reviled by people from all corners of the world. There's a reason why people go through an intense grieving process when they lose...

These anti-Trump protests are UNNECESSARY

And this is coming from someone who voted for Hillary Clinton. The election is over. Done. Finished. Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States, whether these protesters like it or not. It's time we move on and end this bitter diviseness that has greatly fractured our country. While people have a right to feel dissatisfied with the outcome, holding protests does nothing to unify us as a country. When Obama was elected in 2008, I don't remember seeing people marching on the streets, destroying property, and burning Obama in effigy. We should be aiming to heal the wounds that this election has left, not aggravating them. As long as the media pressing on with its reporting of these mass demonstrations, people's attention will continue to be diverted from the issues that really count -- the economy and terrorism among them. President Obama and Hillary Clinton struck a conciliatory tone in their speeches yesterday, with the former saying that w...

Election Day: It all ends today!

Can you believe it's Election Day? It still feels like it was yesterday that Donald Trump announced his candidacy, sending near-shockwaves through the intersecting worlds of politics and entertainment. Polls have tightened in recent weeks, and although Hillary Clinton has maintained a slim lead, who will come out on top is anyone's guess. Let's face it: No one thought Donald Trump would make it this far. But his fiery brand of anti-establishment populism has resonated with a great swath of the American public. In what started as a crowded field of 17 Republican candidates --- distinguished politicians and accomplished businesspeople among them --- real estate tycoon Donald Trump is the last person standing. As for Hillary Clinton, everyone and their brother knew she had the nomination in the bag, even though the upstart Bernie Sanders gave her a run for her money in the primaries. This election has largely been a contrast between keeping the status quo (Clinton)...

Latest jobs report: Things are looking good

According to the latest job report, the economy added 161,000 in October, effectively dropping the unemployment rate to 4.9%. Taken together with the fact that jobs added during the previous month were revised up considerably by the Labor Department, this suggests that the economy is keeping a steady pace. Though the drop to 4.9% is only a slight one on a month-to-month basis, we've come a long way since 2009, when the unemployment hit a whopping 10.2%. What's more, October's gains signaled the 73rd consecutive month of job gains for the U.S. economy. The September job gains were revised upward to 191,000 jobs from the initial tally of 156,000. Moreover, wage growth, which has been anemic for the better part of the post-recession years, continued to show signs of improvement. Wages increased 2.8% in October compared to a year ago, the fastest growth since June 2009. Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, isn't buying it. He has repeatedly called ...

If you can't wait for this election to be over...

...raise your hand. Did you raise it?  I sure did. Between incessant mudslinging, accusations of groping, email controversies, and non-stop coverage of every little thing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton say and do, I've just about had it. Thankfully, we're less than two weeks away from the end of it all. This is an election year unlike any we've seen before. It has felt more like reality television than anything else, and I think we can all agree that Donald Trump has had a lot to do with that. Still, most people find neither candidate likable or trustworthy. It seems their aim is merely to vote for the person they hate the least -- the lesser of two evils, if you will. I want to go back to the time where I could tune into CNN or Fox News and see at least a few stories peppered in about the economy, a breakthrough innovation, or something significant happening around the world. I suppose Trump and Hillary bring in the ratings, and that's why they get so...

Farewell, September!

Today we kiss yet another month goodbye. We only have three months left in the year. Amazing, right? It feels like we were just ringing in 2016. And there was certainly no shortage of headlines in September. It saw the presidential race heat up, with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump edging ever closer to election day. Unfortunately, we witnessed bombings in New York and New Jersey; thankfully, no one was hurt. Eight people did sustain injuries in a stabbing attack at a Minnesota mall, for which ISIS has claimed responsibility. Other stories included the untimely death of Marlins pitcher José Fernandez, who was killed in a boating accident in Miami; Congress overriding President Obama's veto of a bill that will allow the families of people who died on 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia; and controversial police shootings in North Carolina and Oklahoma that sparked riots in both states. I'm hoping October will be more tranquil and less dramatic than September was. Something t...

Is your personality like Trump's or Hillary's?

If you were asked whether your personality was more like that of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, who would you pick? Chances are, if you're stubborn, assertive, unpredictable, love the spotlight, and have a tendency to say things without thinking them through first, you'll likely say Trump. If you're more reserved, predictable, averse to the spotlight, bookish, and given to researching things before making an argument, you'll probably select Hillary. I'm not saying one style is necessarily better than the other. We all have different temperaments, and if we're happy with them, why try to change? I find my personality most closely mirrors Hillary Clinton's. Some would say I have a very scholarly way of looking at the world. I tend to be very thorough, organized, and detail-oriented. I always do my research before a job interview or meeting, making sure to learn (and sometimes memorize) as much information as I can. I usually stick to the facts and ...

Clinton vs. Trump: First Debate Tonight!

The stage is set.  Drama and nail-biting anticipation fill the air. Can you feel it? The first presidential debate tonight between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, promises to be a doozy. It's expected to be the most-watched debate ever, with 80-100 million viewers tuning in. Not since the showdown between President Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan in 1980 have so many Americans watched a presidential debate on TV. Many are wondering which Donald Trump will show up: the more subdued candidate we've seen the last couple of weeks, or the no-holds-barred, anything goes version of him who lit into his Republican contenders during the primaries. The same goes for Hillary Clinton: Will we see the lawyerly policy wonk we've grown accustomed to over the years, or a more relaxed, less rigid Hillary who attempts to make a connection with voters? Trump has said that if Hillary treats him with respect, he'll do the same in kin...

Who else is TIRED of Trump and Clinton?

I was just telling my coworker how tempted I am to sit this election out. To me, the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees -- Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, respectively -- are equally lousy. And I think we have the media to blame for glorifying them. We know all politicians have a few skeletons in their closet, but these two take it to a whole new level. Trump has made disparaging remarks about women, Muslims, fellow Republicans, and other groups. His reluctance to release his tax returns has dogged his campaign. And many within his own party don't even regard him as a true conservative, for he has taken liberal positions on a host of issues in the past. (Not to mention he, as a former Democrat, donated boatloads of money to various Democratic campaigns.) For Clinton's part, the email scandal has proven to be an albatross around her neck, as are Benghazi and her husband's affairs, which many feel will forever blight his legacy. Poll after poll shows t...

What many people FEAR Donald Trump has done

Many people fear that Donald Trump has forever changed the political landscape in America -- and not in a good way. Yes, more people are turning out to vote in primaries and caucuses. But the fact that this brash and unfiltered real estate magnate and entertainer is dominating in the polls sends a clear message: That anyone who wants to effect change can run for office. Hip hop artist and producer Kanye West has already declared his intention to run in 2020. We can only imagine how many other singers, actors, and others from outside the realm of politics will follow suit. As we're seeing in this heated election season, Donald Trump is playing to people's emotions quite effectively. He's capitalizing on their hopelessness and promising to make a host of sweeping changes to "make America great again"  -- all while remaining thin on specific details. Many voters find themselves skeptical given his inability to provide concrete plans -- something that senators...

Trump and Clinton hold sizable leads in South Carolina

If you plan to vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the general election -- assuming each nabs their respective party's nomination -- you'll be glad to know that a new CNN/ORC poll shows they have comfortable leads among those likely to vote in the Palmetto State's primaries. In the Republican race, Trump has a commanding lead at 38%, followed by Ted Cruz with 22%, Marco Rubio with 14%, Jeb Bush at 10%, and Ben Carson and John Kasich trailing in the single digits. In the Democratic contest, Hillary Clinton has 56% while Bernie Sanders garners 38%, a considerable difference of 18 points. Trump's lead is fueled by widespread perceptions of him as the candidate best equipped to manage the still-feeble economy, foreign policy, and ISIS. They also feel he has the best chance to win in November and would be most likely to effect the changes in Washington so many voters are clamoring for. Clinton's lead comes largely on the strength of support she's...

Brains or self-confidence?

There are smart people, and then there are confident people. While some people possess both smarts and self-confidence, others may have or exhibit only one of these attributes.  There's no question that politicians like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama are bright, self-assured people. Connections notwithstanding, they would otherwise not have made it to the big stage.  Of course, people are at their best when they embody both of these characteristics. You could be the smartest guy in the world, but if you don't make your points with some level of conviction, no one would ever know it. People won't believe what you're saying -- no matter how ground-breaking or erudite -- if you don't sound sure of yourself. At the same time, being gregarious won't get you far unless whatever you're discussing has substance. Spouting off nonsense undercuts any confidence you may bring to the table because, after a while, people will simply w...

Donald Trump is ON FIRE - Can anyone stop him?

For the past five months, real estate magnate Donald Trump has led all but two national polls of the Republican national primary. On Wednesday, a CNN/ORC poll found him with his largest lead yet: a 21-point advantage over Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who himself has been surging in the polls of late. Trump was up three points from CNN's last survey in November. Many people are still asking themselves how this bombastic businessman could maintain frontrunner status this long. Trump has sold much of the Republican primary electorate on his ability to tackle the issues most concerning to Americans, with the economy and foreign affairs among them. Perceptions of his electability, favorability, and strategy on key areas have all improved considerably over the past six months. In many of these cases, he has seen dramatic shifts with the GOP electorate. Here are some of the findings: In December, 72% of registered Republicans view Trump favorably compared with only 51% who vie...

What does this quote mean to YOU?

Today's quote comes from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), whose work runs the gamut from Founding Father of the United States to accomplished author, printer, inventor, statesman, and diplomat. "Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning." - Benjamin Franklin I feel that this is an 18th century variant of an oft-repeated quote we've come to know quite well: "actions speak louder than words." I think this quote is especially timely in this politically-charged time we live in. Presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle -- like Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson -- are promising to effect sweeping changes should they come out the victor. It remains to be seen, however, whether they truly live up to their words. The American people are cognizant of the fact that politicians will say anything to procure votes, and that paying lip service is just part of the game. But the quote's relevance extends beyond the world of politi...

Analysis: Republican Presidential Debate

Did you watch the Republican Presidential Debate last night? It made for entertainment television, that's for sure. Here were a few of my observations: The FOX moderators came out swinging, and they especially put Donald Trump on the spot. Some people think the barrage of tough questions asked of Trump signal that right-leaning FOX News is leading the charge to undermine his campaign. The only issue is that Trump could not rule out running as a 3rd party candidate if he were to not win the nomination. If that ends up happening, it'll split the Republican vote, effectively handing the campaign to the Democratic nominee (presumably Hillary Clinton).  Wouldn't it be something if Trump were in cahoots with one of the parties? I keep thinking whether his entry into the presidential race is part of a furtive scheme concocted with the Democrats to split the vote and get Hillary into the Oval Office. After all, Trump, a former Democrat, was known to cozy up with the Clintons....

This woman made HISTORY this week...

Jen Welter made history by becoming the NFL's first female coach. A former collegiate rugby player and veteran of the Women's Football Alliance, Welter has joined the Arizona Cardinals as an assistant coach. Her credentials speak for themselves. She won two gold medals for Team USA in the International Federation of American Football Women's World Championship. She also has a master's degree in sports psychology and a PhD in psychology. While comments about the move on social media have been, for the most part, positive, some people have taken to Facebook and Twitter to express their displeasure through a series of sexist jokes. I think this was expected, but it's a real shame that sexism, though not as potent as before, continues to pervade society. This woman was every bit as qualified -- or more so -- as any man for the coaching position. She is to be commended for achieving her goals in the face of pushback she likely received from people in the NFL commun...

Donald Trump: Is he for real?

Many people seem to be questioning whether Donald Trump is the real deal. Does he genuinely wish to be the next President of the United States, or is this all a publicity stunt? For one, he has changed party affiliations various times throughout the years. Today he comes off as an ardent Republican, but not too long ago he was rubbing elbows with Bill Clinton and making sizable donations to his campaign. The blustery real estate mogul has called himself a Republican twice, and both a Democrat and independent once. One thing is for sure: When Donald Trump talks, people listen. Like President Obama, the man oozes charisma. What distinguishes him from his fellow candidates, though, is that he speaks his mind with no restraint whatsoever. Indeed, when it comes to the Donald, there's no holding of the tongue: if you don't like what he has to say, he couldn't care less. There's no denying that Donald Trump is shaking up the establishment. Many of his comments and views ...

Is the world ready for a female U.S. president?

No matter what side of the political aisle you're on, you have to agree that the U.S. has attracted a diverse slate of presidential candidates in recent years. The 2008 Presidential Election saw the first ever African American elected to office in Barack Obama. In addition, though she and her running mate, John McCain, fell short of victory, Sarah Palin nearly became the first ever Vice President of the United States. Hillary Clinton failed to secure her party's nomination that year, but I think most of us knew she'd be back. Indeed, Clinton will get a shot at redemption in 2016, as she recently announced her candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination. Whether she'll nab her party's nomination and win the general election remains to be seen, but there's no denying she's become a household name in politics. In my view, a Hillary victory would empower women all around the world to shoot for even their loftiest goals -- whether it's to becom...