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Showing posts with the label grave

SHOCKING: You won't believe what happened to this guy!

A man named Walter Summerford must have had the worst luck in the world. He was struck by lightening -- not once, not twice, but THREE times in his lifetime!  The odds of this happening to someone must be one in 100 billion! But there's more... It turns out that in 1916, four years after he died, his grave was also struck by lightening!  He was a living, breathing lightning rod on earth, and even when he was dead, the poor man couldn't get a break! Records show that he was a sportsman, meaning his profession increased his chances of getting hit considerably. Getting struck by lightening once is scary enough; I can't imagine going through that ordeal three times. Summerford was fortunate enough to survive after being struck on three occasions. Yet, even more shocking is the fact that a U.S. park ranger named Roy Sullivan was hit by lightning on SEVEN different occasions, earning the nickname "Human Lightning Conductor" and a place in the Guinness Bo...

Cool fact you didn't know

Did you know that the arm of a Civil War general has its own grave? Stonewall Jackson, who fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, had to have his arm amputated after he was accidentally shot by fellow Confederate troops. Jackson was so liked and respected that no one dared to toss his arm on a pile of limbs that lay outside the medical tents. Thus, it was given its own burial! The arm was buried in a private cemetery at Ellwood Manor, not far from the field hospital where it was amputated. Soon after, Jackson died of pneumonia, and his body was transported to his family in Lexington, Virginia. Jackson's arm, however, was never reunited with the rest of his remains. Rumor has it that Union soldiers dug up the limb in 1864 and reburied it at an undisclosed location, but this has never been confirmed. In 1903, one of Jackson's staff officers set up a granite stone in the small cemetery that today bears a simple inscription: "Arm of Stonewall Jackson Ma...