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Showing posts with the label insensitive

Here's someone you should definitely NOT date

You should not date someone who is unable to stop thinking or talking about their ex. Maybe you catch them talking with a friend about them, calling you by his or her name accidentally, or even keeping photos of them locked in a drawer. Their inability to let their ex go signals that they likely still hold feelings for him or her. No one wants to be in a relationship where they feel as though they're vying for the affections of their partner. Anyone who's having a rough go at moving on -- whether the relationship failed principally because of them or their ex -- has no business pairing up with someone new so quickly. It all screams "rebound relationship," which isn't fair to the new guy or gal in that person's life. I can think of few things as insensitive and selfish as purely using someone to either get over or even with an ex, or to use them as a distraction while they angle to get back with that person behind the scenes. Toying with someone...

Why narcissists make good first impressions on us

Have you ever wondered how narcissists manage to make good first impressions on us? Indeed, when we first meet people who later turn out to be narcissistic, they strike us as elegant, charming, and fun to be around. But over time, such positive impressions turn sour when we realize that these individuals are majorly self-absorbed and insensitive. Just how do narcissists manage to deceive us in this way? According to research, they're well-regarded at first because we mistake their arrogance for high self-esteem. As I've noted in earlier posts, there's a fine line between these characteristics. And when we're first getting to know someone, we want to give them the benefit of the doubt, so we perceive them as confident and high in self-worth. When sifting through photos of college students who'd completed narcissism and self-esteem scales, participants in four experiments rated those who scored highest on narcissism most likeable and highest in self-este...

Don't let people put you in a bad mood

How many times have you allowed someone's off-color remarks affect your mood? Maybe it's a tasteless remark they made about your weight, or an insensitive comment regarding your job or wardrobe. Maybe they didn't mean for their remark to come across as rude or insensitive. Or, perhaps this individual has a habit of not saying things in a tactful manner. Whatever the circumstance, it's important not to let people get under your skin. You never really know what's going on in people's heads. They may very well be the type who tries to compensate for their own insecurities by pointing out others perceived shortcomings. Whether you're dealing with an obnoxious coworker or an acquaintance who has no filter, you can't let what they said eat away at you. Let it go! If you're not careful, you may find yourself dwelling on it for hours, inducing feelings of bitterness and tempting you to retort with a scathing remark of your own that you might ...

1 way bad people actually benefit us

The benefits good people provide in our lives are varied and obvious. They're kind, loving, and compassionate. They teach us to be grateful for the support and generosity we receive from loved ones, especially during difficult times. Now what about bad people -- the selfish, narcissistic, dishonest, insensitive, opportunistic individuals we come across every now and then? Do they benefit us in any way? Absolutely. Like the good people, they teach us a valuable lesson: Whom not to associate with. They demonstrate the opposite qualities we should strive to develop and nurture ourselves, seek in other people, and instill in our children. They embody precisely the kind of person we should aim to avoid because, rather than enhance our lives like the good people do, they diminish them with their pride, self-absorption, and callousness. Granted, nobody's perfect. We all exhibit shades of selfishness here and there. We all fib on occasion. But some people take it to a who...