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Showing posts with the label vomit

What do you REFUSE to do in front of your partner?

Some couples are attached at the hip and thus are comfortable doing anything and everything in front of each other. Other pairs, however, set clear boundaries: If it's something they wouldn't do in front of their parents or friends, then it is off limits. Period. Here are a couple of examples of things people might be embarrassed to do in front of their partners: Pass gas Vomit Use the restroom (#1 and/or #2) Change pads/tampons Weigh themselves I'm all for doing as much together as possible, but there should be dividing lines. For example, does your partner really have to see you use the restroom? Just because you love each other doesn't mean you have to witness each other do everything. At the end of the day, we should still strive to maintain some degree of autonomy.  I would understand being present while your partner, say, vomits or has a bowel movement if it involves some health issue he or she needs help with. But if that isn't the case, I t...