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Showing posts with the label convictions

Can being too nice make you less attractive?

It's a question that many men and women perceived as "nice" -- ones who have struck out repeatedly in the dating market -- have been scratching their heads over for what seems like, well, centuries. Can being too nice make you less attractive to dating prospects? As with anything else, there's no simple answer, and a bevy of factors have to be considered. For starters, "too nice" for one person can mean something entirely different to someone else, just like we all have different opinions on what counts as too sweet or salty when eating different foods. In general, though, a person may be regarded as too nice if they exhibit one or more of the following behaviors: Being highly agreeable  Being a complete pushover by never standing up for oneself  Attempting to buy someone's affections by heaping them with gifts and compliments they probably don't deserve, at least not so early in the game  Trying to avoid disagreements at all costs L...

Women love when men do THIS

Women, especially very attractive ones who have countless guys chasing after them, can't help but feel totally attracted to men who challenge  them. Now, a distinction should be made between challenging women and playing games with them. If not returning texts and trying to make the woman jealous is his idea of challenging her, he's in for a rude awakening. As surprising as it may seem to some men, women don't want to feel or be told they're right all the time. They want a man to stand up for what he believes in, even if it ruffles her feathers and runs contrary to her longstanding beliefs or opinions. Why? Because it betrays a sense of confidence , which women find irresistible. It conveys that whether or not she agrees with him, he's going to speak his mind -- in a firm if diplomatic manner. Many men avoid doing this for fear that she'll get upset and lose interest. But this couldn't be farther from the truth. The last thing a woman wants...

Never walk in someone else's shadow

Never walk in someone else's shadow -- whether it's that of your parents, partner, or friend -- for each of us are destined to go down a different path. Ours are unique successes and experiences. Our interests, our innermost feelings, our convictions -- they're all far different from those of people around us. Don't fight what makes you different. Embrace it, for you are magnificent just as you are. Depressing would be a world in which all of us think and act in lockstep. One of the most rewarding aspects of the human experience is being able to share what makes us unique with everyone else. Never envy what other have, nor try to emulate how they act or think. You are your own person -- a wonderful one at that. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Believe you can make a wonderful life for yourself and you shall. No one can do that for you. Take pride in your personality, your thoughts, your values. Take pride in all you have to offer the world. A...