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Showing posts with the label sexual

Why do some women refuse to initiate sex?

Some of my male friends have posed this question to me countless times. The truth is, I share their plight. My wife, whom I've been with for over 10 years now, has never been one to initiate sex. Like my frustrated buddies, I found myself perplexed over the issue for many years. Eventually, I came to grips with the fact that no two women are built the same, especially when it concerns sex. There are a host of reasons as to why some women remain pursuees rather than pursuers. For one, some women have lower sex drives than others and find themselves unable to keep up with their partner's demands. Second, their disinterest in inititating sex may stem from their upbringing. Girls are taught from an early age that they should neither fawn over a man nor be too sexually forward. It is ingrained in these women that showing sexual interest is a man's job. They tend to keep their sexual desires under wraps lest they be labeled sluts or whores. While society gives men a pat on ...

Why men want a lady in the street, but a freak in bed

Ask any guy what kind of woman he ultimately wants to settle down with, and he'll probably tell you that he wants "a lady in the street and a freak in the bed." In other words, he wants someone worth taking home to mom, but who can let loose once both people are behind closed doors. Many men go through a stage in their lives where they aim to hump anything that moves and loath commitment of any sort. The women they generally gravitate toward in this phase are those commonly classified as "easy." Once they're finally ready to commit, though, they seek women unlike those they fooled around with. Now the name of the game becomes finding someone with a relatively uneventful sexual history who they can see as being the mother of their kids. Thus, they want a woman who can be a lady in public: one who is polite, well-mannered, well-spoken, and respectful. Once they're in bed, though, they yearn for the complete opposite: a woman who is evocative of t...