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Showing posts with the label appreciating

The key to being happier is...

The key to being happier isn't having everything you want, for that just isn't feasible. The key to being happier is  achieving balance. It's recognizing that although every single thing in your life may not be perfect -- your job, your marriage, your relationships with friends and family -- it could be worse. It's acknowledging that you can work on bettering your life while appreciating what you already have. There are aspects to our job that we may love -- say, the salary, benefits, and very mission of the company we work for. But we may be less thrilled about the people we work with, starting with our boss. Your spouse could be helplessly messy and disorganized, and yet they're still a loving partner and parent. And while you may butt heads with your friends, they may always be there for you when you're in a bind. Life is all about taking calculated risks. The grass may very well be greener on the other side -- but it may not. We must guard ag...