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Showing posts with the label smartphone

Uh-oh: Americans are addicted to THIS

Guess what newly published research has unveiled Americans are addicted to. No, it isn't junk food, Netflix, or mere smartphone use, though I'm sure a case can be made for those! Americans are addicted to tracking packages. Indeed, people have developed an acute obsession for tracking the status of their packages. So much so, that is has become an addiction. According to a new study, 60% of people who make purchases online check their delivery status daily, if not multiple times in a single day. The study even found that over 80% of online shoppers have experienced anxiety when packages fail to arrive on time. Two in three online shoppers look out their window to watch out for deliveries, and 65% of study participants feel delivery tracking has become an addiction, stating that they expect packages to be delivered within three days of ordering. In addition, 57% said package tracking is “very important” to them, while 29% refuse to purchase something online if they can’t track i...

Why using our smartphones can be contagious

Do you feel the urge to yawn almost immediately after seeing someone else do it?  You're not alone.  As it turns out, though, yawning is far from the only behavior we can deem contagious.  A study published recently in the Journal of Ethology made a startling finding: The same psychological process that makes yawns contagious also influences people to check their smartphones. People have a need to follow the norms imposed on them by others. No one wishes to be the lone outsider who defies social norms.  In turn, it prompts them to mirror as closely as possible the actions of those in their orbit. This is known as the chameleon effect. As another example, you've probably noticed how people tend pick up each others’ gestures or mood during a conversation. I suppose these findings shouldn't strike us as a total surprise. After all, people seem to LIVE on their phones. Whether they're walking to school, in the bathroom, watching a game, eating dinner, or, most frighteni...

Striving for bigger, better things should have its limits

Many of us get so caught up striving for bigger, better things that we sometimes fail to appreciate what we already have in front of us. We yearn for bigger things with more bells and whistles -- the latest smartphone, a newer car, a snazzier watch -- when the stuff we currently have works well and may not even need replacing. The same goes for finding a new, better job. We mustn't fall into a pattern of simply wanting the next best thing because we've grown bored with what we already own. If the items have seen better days -- if wear and tear is in evidence -- then it makes perfect sense to make an upgrade. Otherwise, why make the switch? I'm all for aiming for better things and opportunities, but we needn't get carried away. I have a friend who changes jobs every two years because he gets bored that quickly. I also know several people who flip cars and houses every so often to feed their compulsion for change and newness. At the end of the day, they're our...